The Spider's Daughter chapter 3

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Hmmm... Methinks that I'm going a little overboard with Spidergirl! ^.^


Chapter 3

I spent the weekend in the park, practicing. I wore a ski mask in case anyone saw me, but no one did. By Sunday night, I was an expert at swinging through the trees, avoiding branches, and walking silently. I probably wouldn't be avoiding any branches in the city, but it was fun. I went to bed

Sunday night totally exhausted, and I fell asleep almost immediately. My dreams were full of spiders, both the animals and the people.

School on Monday passed in a blur. Cas was sick, so I didn't have to worry about her spilling it to Jacky. I didn't pay any attention in class. Gym was the only thing I payed attention in all day. We were playing doge-ball. The perfect sport for the human spider. The only reason I was concentrating was because if I didn't, I'd end up doing a few triple-flips, handstands, and wall-climbing. The first time a ball was thrown at me, thine crawled to a virtual standstill. I felt the ability to move out of the way, and I did, but I did so painstakingly slowly. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. The ball missed me by a few inches, and time sped up again, only to slow as the next ball was thrown. And again. And again. Eventually, I forced myself not to move. The red ball slammed into my chest, and I took a few fake steps back. I walked over to the sidelines, grateful that time was going the speed it should be. Then it slowed down again.

I turned around, not quite as fast as I'd have liked to, and saw a doge ball flying toward me. I wanted to doge, but that would look suspicious. Even me turning would draw some questions. Again, I let the rubber ball slam into me, this time on my head. Okay. That one stung a little.

The ball rolled away, and the coach came over to me. "May, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm alright."

"Why don't you go sit down for the rest of class?"

"Okay." anything to get off that slow, slow frame of mind. I walked up the bleachers, and sat down. I was fine, but gym was becoming my least-favorite class, because I had to hold back so much. It gave me a headache.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. The last ten minuets were torture. I got nervous and tense, and my spider-sense kicked in. Which I didn't know it could do. Time crept by at a snails pace. When the bell finally rang, I jumped, really high, causing my desk to turn over and my papers to go flying. Everyone laughed, and I would have blushed, but I was too tense. I grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag. I was one of the first out the door, and I breathed the cold, fresh air deeply. I didn't wait for the bus. I ran, venting the energy that had built up in school. When I reached my house, I was barely sweating, and my breathing felt as regular as if I had only walked down a flight of stairs, not sprinted at full speed all the way home. I sighed, and threw my bag on the ground. These powers were messed up.

My spider-sense went off, but not in the time-slowing way. Someone was coming. I peeked out the back window and saw Johnny land in my backyard. I walked out he door laughing.

"Discreet much?"

"Nope!" he replied happily, then held up a wad of fabric. "Delivery for Miss Spidey? Sorry about it being unwrapped. I accidentally burned it off."

"So... Its fire-proof?" Wow. I expecting a plain old suit!

"Fire-proof, among other things. I think I heard Reed mention something about 'bulletproof', but I wouldn't go and get yourself shot. Be careful." He looked worried, which was weird. Johnny never looked worried.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll be fine! Now gimme!"

We both laughed, and he handed over the suit. It was perfect. Exactly like I wanted. I turned to go back inside, and I shouted over my shoulder, "Tell Reed and Sue thanks! And thank you, too!" I closed the door and ran upstairs.

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