The Spider's Daughter chapter 9

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I really need to find something else to do with my time. Maybe I should actually do some school work... Nah. I like writing for you guys!


Chapter 9

"You made me miss!" There was a crazy gleam in Kayla's eyes, and it scared me. She shot another stream of fire at me, and again I barely dodged in time.

"Kayla! What are you doing?! You could have killed me!"

"That's the point, stupid!" Oh, shoot. She had cracked. Another jet of fire flew my way, and it enveloped my legs. I had been to slow! I waited for pain, bit I only felt warmth. What? Was I impervious to fire now? I looked down. No I wasn't! It was the suit! Thank you, Reed Richards!

"Why- aren't- you- BURNING?!?" she screamed. I could see her straining, putting as much heat and energy into the fire. Okay. Now I was getting a little uncomfortable. I jumped straight up, and clung to the ceiling. The jet of fire followed me, so I tried swinging out. Only one problem. My suit may have been making me fireproof, but no such thing was happening to my webs. They melted almost the minute I shot them. Kayla must have really been putting on the heat! My webs didn't melt very easily. I knew. Reed asked for some, and to melt it, Johnny had to get hotter than he was when he was flying. Which was pretty hot. And it still took a minute to completely liquify. So I knew Kayla was getting it pretty hot out there.

Finally, I gave up trying to swing away. I tackled her, then jumped back to the ceiling. Kayla was HOT! I could feel it through the suit! She was burning! I clung to the ceiling as she started up the blast of fire again.

I was giving up. Heat enveloped me. The suit could only take so much more, then I'd be toast. Plus, the fire was burning up all the oxygen. Suddenly, I felt something moving under my fingers. Or over, seeing as how I was upside down. The walls started crumbling, turning into blue light.

Logan was turning off the simulation! I pushed myself up, through what once was a ceiling, and swung off. Kayla continued to shoot fire every which way, and scream insults at me. The building dissolved completely, and the streams of fire ceased. Unlucky for Kayla, we hadn't been on the first floor. We had been on the top of a three story building, and unlike me, she couldn't fly away. We all converged on Kayla's unmoving body. "What was that about?" Jake asked, but I wasn't able to answer. Kayla had woken up, and we all backed away.

"How are you still alive?" she screeched at me.

I shrugged, answering semi-seriously. "Lucky, I guess." I wanted to figure something out, test a hypothesis. I draped my arm around Jake. Kayla's eyes started glowing.

"You can't take him from me! HE'S MINE!" another bolt of fire rushed toward me, the air around it boiling from the heat. I shoved Jake away, and dove to the other side. The fire missed Jake completely, but it glanced off my arm. It may not have burned me, but somehow that fire had substance. It was hard. It hurt. I hadn't gotten a bruise since I got my powers, but it felt like I'd have one when I took this suit off.

"STOP." The command echoed through the chamber and through my mind. Kayla stopped. We all did, freezing where we stood. The Professor rolled through the door.

"Bobby." he nodded to Bobby, then Kayla. Iceman understood, and moved again. He coated the still-frozen girl with ice, and in a couple of seconds, a living ice sculpture stood in the middle of the inactive Danger Room. Steam hissed off of her, but Iceman refroze it faster than it melted, encasing her in an ever-thickening cocoon of ice.

I was panting heavily. It was finally catching up to me, the realization that I could have died.

the Professor said mentally.

[I am glad that you are safe. It was good that I fell off before you met with Fire.] Arachne's tiny voice whispered from my shoulder. She had found me after Logan had turned the Danger Room off. Smart spider. Smart Reed, making me fireproof. I would thank him when I got home.

I returned from my musings to find the Professor in front of Kayla, his hands allayed over the ice coating her head.

"What are you doing, Professor?" Shawnee voiced the question we were all thinking.

"I am erasing her memory. She attacked May because she was jealous. So, I am erasing the object of her jealousy from her mind."

"So she won't remember Jake?" I asked.

The Professor turned to look at me. "No, she won't. She actually won't remember any of the students here. I will tell her and everyone else that she suffered from amnesia. She hit her head in the Danger Room."

[Fire is dead?]

"No, Arachne, just forgetful. She won't try to attack me anymore."

"Ah, May? Who are you talking to? Who's Arachne?" Kitty asked. I smiled a bit, and lifted Arachne off my shoulder.

"Everybody, meet Arachne. Kayla there put her, along with a bunch of other spiders in my bed. I guess she hoped that I would be creeped out by a bunch of creepy-crawlies in my bed. She didn't count on a new power manifesting."

"You can talk to spiders."

"Yeah. But only spiders. I tried an ant this morning. Nothing."

We all looked back at Kayla, frozen as though she was going to leap out and attack someone. The ice slowly melted, and she stepped out. But this was a different Kayla than I knew. She looked at us all.

"Who are you?" Wow. She really didn't remember any of us.

"I am Professor Xavier. You are a mutant. We all are. You are a student at my school. You were training, and you hit your head."


"Let's get you to the infirmary. Everyone else can go."

We all left, looking stunned. The Professor had never displayed his power like that before. He had talked to us in our minds, and had read them, but he had never openly changed someone's memory before. It was... Strange.

Remembering the Professor's mental request, I walked slowly to his office. I opened the heavy wooden door and looked around. His large desk sat still and empty in front of me. I sat down in one of the chairs pushed up against the wall, and waited.

Ten minutes later, Professor X came in. He rolled behind his desk and looked at me over his steepled fingers.

"May, I think that maybe you should go home."


So? Wha'd'ya think? I'd like some feedback, people!^.^

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