The Spider's Daughter chapter 7

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Sheesh! Two uploads in one day! I think maybe I should slow down a bit...


Chapter 7

Jake leaned forward. My heart pounded in my chest. He pressed his lips to my head, and pulled away. He smiled. "What? We only met two weeks ago." He gave an impish smile, and I felt my mouth turn up in response. He opened my door and bowed. "Milady." I laughed quietly, and walked in.

"See you tomorrow, Jake."

"Likewise." He closed the door, and I stood there for a while. Finally, I put my pajamas on and went to sleep. Or tried to anyways.

The next morning, I walked down to breakfast with a spring in my step and rings under my eyes. When I got to the cafeteria, I looked around. I spotter Jake, his white wings making him stand out from the crowd. He waved me over, and I sat in the empty seat next to him after grabbing a tray of pancakes. Shawnee gave me a look, and smiled. Jake draped his arm around my shoulders, and a few people stared. I had never realized exactly how good looking Jake was. I mean, every girl here was in love with him, but only now did I really recognize it. He looked like a supermodel, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, the tanned skin, and his wings only made him look even better. Like an angel. I smiled as I ate, and leaned against him. My spider-sense prickled, and I smiled again.

We left the cafeteria together. We had most of our classes together today. Maybe there was something to be said about having a mind reader plan your schedule. Our classes were normal. In the Danger Room, Jake, Shawnee, and I got to train with Kitty, Bobby, and Rogue, the three youngest X-Men, who had graduated just two years ago. It was fun. After we finished, Rogue was curious as to whether she would absorb my powers if she touched me, or just my life force. We tried, and she got a few of my powers. She could jump really high, and climb on walls, but she couldn't shoot webs, and she didn't really have any spider-sense. We all laughed when Rogue jumped to the ceiling, and stayed there, crawling along above us as we walked down the halls.

I felt a tingle run down my neck. "Uh oh. Rogue! You might want to-" She fell to the floor, my powers abandoning her, "Get down." I finished too late. We all laughed again, and Rogue picked herself up.

"You know May, I love your powers. Even if I did only get a few of them."

"I know. They're awesome. Just like me!" I said with an evil grin and a flourish of my hands.

"Psht! I'm better than you! We all know that!" Bobby said while making it snow around us. We continued to banter back and forth all the way back upstairs. In the elevator, Jake snagged my hand. We twined our fingers together, and walked through the halls side by side, holding hands, happy in our own little world.

So I didn't notice the glare Kayla gave me as we walked past in the hall. I didn't notice any of the glares we were getting. I was happy. I didn't care about them. I didn't care that they wanted Jake. All I noticed was a tingling on my neck, and I wished my spider-sense would leave me alone.

It was like that for a week. People, or more accurately, girls, glared daggers almost constantly. My spider-sense wouldn't quit buzzing, bit I was ignoring it.

That night, Jake asked me to watch a movie with him again. This time we watched Megamind. It was cute, and funny, and I liked it. We had fun. And Jake was a gentleman as always. I walked to my room alone that night, though. Jake said he had homework to do, and stayed in the lounge. As I reached my door, my spider-sense buzzed even harder. I shrugged it off. It had been acting up all week. Maybe I should ask my dad if his ever did anything like that. I opened my door, and was doused with icy water.

I shuddered, and shook icy droplets of water from my short, now dark, hair. Oh man. Someone just messed with the wrong spider. They would pay, whoever they were, and they would pay dearly. Just, after I dried off. And took a nap. Cold made me sleepy...

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