Chapter 1

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Amelias POV

Here we go, my first day at school in Seattle

My mom, sister and I recently moved to Seattle from Boston, I have an older brother who is away at college and 2 sisters away as well,

Let's also not forget to mention the fact I have a one year old son named Christopher, he's my baby, he makes me smiles and appreciate everything I have

I was stupid when I got pregnant, i don't even like talking about it because it just shows my poor judgment but, I still got my baby and I couldn't imagine a life without him, no matter how hard it is raising a child while I'm in highschool still

Oh and if you're thinking I have the support of my parents, and siblings your wrong

My mother threw me out as soon as I told her I was pregnant, I mean I was still a week shy of my 15th birthday

But, my brother made her let me move back in

Him and his now fiancé were there, Addison helped me a lot, she was studying to become an OBGYN so this was great practice for her

My other sisters however despise me and say it was because I wanted attention.

There's more to the story, don't worry we'll get there eventually but now, I have to go and get Christopher dressed and take him to daycare,

Which if I might add is expensive but even if my mom is retired she refuses to watch him while I'm at school

Luckily the school I go to has a bunch of different aids and childcare is one of them but I still have a job because , raising a kid isn't cheap, I do get a little help from my brother though

We currently moved into a 6 bedroom house, each kid has their own bedroom and when mom bought the place Derek told me I could make his room into Christopher's, since when he and Addison would come and visit they would rather stay at a hotel

I walked into his room, it's just 6;30 now and I picked out an outfit

A cute little dinosaurs onsie

I gently rubbed his back until he started to move and he rubbed his eyes and I picked him up

He whined a little about having to be moved from his comfy bed onto a changing table but he was fine once I gave him his pacifier

I quickly changed his diaper and got him dressed before taking him back to my room so I could grab everything

"Don't move" I tell him and he sits on my bed and giggles,

He's technically 14 months, seeing as I turn 17 in just 4

I smiled at my baby and grabbed everything before grabbing him and we quietly left the house so we wouldn't wake anyone

"Mama" he babbles as I put him in his car seat

"I'm here little love," I say and kiss his head, even if he doesn't fully understand what I'm saying

"Mama" he repeats, the entire way to daycare, I kid you not

Once I got him signed in and made sure he was okay I left for school

I already just wanted to go home

Mom was so mad at me for having to move, we really didn't have to, I was fine being virtual

After people at my old school found out about Christopher his sperm donor told everyone that I was a slut and he never slept with me, that I just wanted the attention and it got pretty bad so mom pulled me out of school

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