Chapter 2

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Amelias POV

Day 2 of school which also means new classes

However Christopher decided that he wasn't tired at all last night and was awake and wanting to be held,

I tried my best to keep him in his room but eventually exhaustion took over and I gave in so he slept on my chest in my room

I'm currently in my first class of the day, new classes so today is math

I really like this teacher. The class seems laid back and the teacher, Mr. Kim is cool

After math I went to my next class with Ms.Turner

After that Thankfully I was done today.

I then left and went to work, I work Monday- Friday and since I get out of school early it helps

With the money I get from working I use it to buy everything Christopher needs, I usually try to stock up on things when I have the extra money,

I got out of class at 10:40 and I clocked in at 11.

My boss pays well, she knows that I have a kid and that's why i can't work on weekends or after 4;30 since I have to pick up Chris by 5

After work I headed to the daycare and noticed I had a message from Arizona, I had forgotten that I gave her my number

Arizona: Hey! Wanna hangout tonight with me and April?

Amelia: I wish, I'm busy but thanks for asking

One thing about having a kid in highschool is I have no social life, I don't want them knowing about him and that means we can't all hang out and there is no way my mom or sisters would even think of watching him

Arizona: that's s bummer.... What about tomorrow?

Amelia: still busy.... I have to go but I'll talk to you later

I got out of my car and went and signed out Christopher who was happy to see me

He walked over to me with his hands up so I picked him up and rested him on my hip

"You ready to go home bubba?" I ask him, and I don't get a reply but I put him in his car seat anyway

Once I got home Kathleen was in the living room while mom cooked dinner

I walked past them and took our things to my room and came back downstairs and put Christopher down so he could play with a few toys

" need help?" I ask my mom, even if she doesn't like me much I don't want to give her any more reasons not to

"No it's almost done" she says and I nod and go out and sit on the couch while Christopher played on the floor in front of me and Kathleen

She would look down at him for a few seconds and back to the tv

"You can hold him, or talk to him, or play with him. He is your nephew." I say and she sighs

Other than Derek maybe a little bit of Liz, none of my other siblings pay him much attention

"He likes to be to talked to " I tell her again and she looks down at him and away and I sigh

Once dinner was done I put chris in his high chair and gave him some noodles my mom made and he happily ate them along with some of his food

After dinner I took Christopher up to give him a bath, it was a little past 6 now but this is usually when I start trying to settle him down

He is such a water baby, he loves the baths and loves to splash and laughs when it gets all over me

Once his bath was done I got him dressed and we snuggled on my bed for a little until I put him down in his

I waited until I knew he was asleep before I got a shower and took my time, it's really my only alone time,

I sighed and sat down in the shower while the water rinses all over me,

Looking at my body the way it was now.  Nothing like it was before

Now I have stretch marks all over my stomach, my sides and even some on my boobs,  my body grew too fast to accommodate a baby

My boobs shrunk back down to what they were before when I stopped breast feeding at like 6 months, I just couldn't do it.

I still have some baby weigh, I didn't gain much when I was pregnant and most of it went away afterwards but there is still a little pudge that reminds me

Even if these are some things I don't like about myself, I do love my son.

I got out of the shower and threw on a long t shirt and shorts and got into bed just as Christopher started crying

"Please not again tonight" I mumble and get up and when I got to his room he was smiling

"Bubba it's bed time, mama is tired" I say and put my hand on his stomach

"Oh I see what I did" I say, mentally face palling myself as I go and turn on his white noise machine

"There bubs" I say and place my hand on his stomach before walking out and back to my room

I got back in bed and seen some more messages from Arizona

Arizona: when are you going to be free?

Arizona: we can even just hang out at one of our houses if you prefer

Arizona: I guess just let me know,

Amelia: I'm not sure when I'll be free

I would have to find a babysitter to begin with... but I don't want to just leave him with anyone

Amelia: but I promise I will let you know whenever the day may come. I got to get some sleep, goodnight

I guess I could ask Kathleen, but she doesn't even pay him any attention now. Mom maybe if it's one of her good days but... those don't happen often either

I sighed and just laid in bed, it's just after 8 now but I needed to be up at 6 to get myself ready

Just as I was about to fall asleep I got a call from Addison, my brothers fiancé

"Hey! Oh did I wake you?"

"No, I was just about to go to bed"

"Oh.... We'll I have good news! We're coming to visit for two weeks"

"Oh my god! That's amazing! When are you coming?"

"We will be there on Friday"

I talked to Addison for a little while longer until i told her I needed to go to bed

I am actually very excited that they are coming to visit. I haven't seen her or Derek since we moved here to Seattle

And maybe, just maybe, I will be able to hang out with Arizona

Till next time❤️

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