Porco Galliard (Finding Out)

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"Babe, don't you think you should lay down for just a bit?" Porco asked as he reached over to grab your hand. "You were complaining about a sick stomach this morning. I don't think you should be walking as much as you are."

The two of you had been planning a date for a while, and the day finally rolled around where you two had the opportunity of going to a traveling circus.

"No, I'm okay!" you crankily called over your shoulder as you continued walking. "Now come on, we've got a bunch of things to do-"

"Just an hour ago, you were about to pass out. How the hell did you perk up so fast?"

"Jeez Porco, can you not question my every move?" you asked as you turned around to face your boyfriend, whose eyes widened slightly at your outburst. "I really don't want to start an argument on our first date in months-"

A few moments of silence passed before you deflated and reached over to grab Porco's hand.

"I'm sorry about that. I've just been cranky for a while now..." you murmured as you squeezed his hand, tears suddenly pounding at your eyes. "I don't want to ruin our date because of my crankiness or my tiredness-"

"Why are you crying? Don't cry! I promise you that you're not going to ruin anything, (Y/n). Come on, let's just go sit down right now and just talk..." he responded as you let out a soft sigh and followed him over to a bench.

As soon as the two of you were seated, he threw an arm around you and pulled you closer, moving to kiss the side of your head. A smile made its way onto your face as you hugged him tightly. The two of you enjoyed a few moments like this before Porco asked, "Have you been stressed out because of work? That could explain your tiredness and moodiness."

"No, I've been having a pretty good time at work recently. There's no reason for why I'm acting like this. I guess it's been a bad day for me," you answered as you mulled over your days. You had been experiencing mood swings and unexplainable nausea for only a few days now.

"Hey, (Y/n)...?" Porco mumbled, snapping you out of your reverie. "You don't think you could finally be pregnant?"

"It couldn't possibly be.... We've only been trying for a few weeks-" you started as your boyfriend glanced over at you. "As soon as we get home, I'll take a pregnancy test, okay?"

"I really hope that you're already pregnant..." Porco mumbled as you looked over at him with a smile on your face. "Stop lookin' at me like that..."

"Aww, why? You're cute when you say things like that~" you trilled as you leaned up to kiss him on the lips.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you wanna go play one of those games?" Porco asked, pointing over at one of the stands. "I'll try to win you one of those stuffed animals."


"While you're taking your pregnancy test, I'm going to go out to get some food. What do you want?" Porco asked as you looked up from your phone. "...Do you want me to stay, or-"

"No, you can go! I'd like some Chinese takeout, please!" you quickly said as you turned off your phone and leaned to kiss him gently. "Thank you! I'm really going to need some food after this-"

"I love you, ya know?" he mumbled against your lips as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and giggled.

"I'm well aware of that. I love you, too."

As soon as Porco had left, you looked back down at your phone and opened your period tracker app. Your face drained of blood as you realized that you had been missing your period by a few days. Though it wasn't much of a sign, it was certainly a good one. You made your way into the bathroom and rifled through the closet until you found a box of pregnancy tests. A few moments passed before you were seated on the toilet, anxiously waiting for the beep of the pregnancy test. Finally, the test beeped, and you steeled yourself to look at the results. You were met with the sight of two lines as your lips spread into a smile.

"Just wait until your daddy finds out about you, little one..." you mumbled, rubbing a hand against your stomach. "He's going to be so happy~" 

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