Chapter Eleven

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Cake's point of view.

My arms are tied behind my back when I get out of my dull stupor. My eyes try to open but are encrusted shut. For some reason every time I move my back hurts, like an invisible knife is piercing my back from the inside out. Or from the outside in?

The room I reside in is completely black. There is no light in the room, but somehow I can see. Almost like I'm the source of the light. I attempt to remove my bonds but to my avail it does not work. I force open my eyes even more and the room seems more clear now. My senses are regained. I realize I am the source of light. And there is no sound. There is no matter except me and the chair. There is no aroma, nothing to feel. Only silence, and cold.

I use the one power that requires the least amount of energy, only little to none is needed, to see where I reside in the city. I close my eyes, and zone in on my location. But when I attempt it, the results say that I'm in a place that doesn't exist. I repeat the process over and over, but it keeps showing up in my head as the same result. I try to understand, but I just don't get it. How am I here?

Once again I pull against my bonds. All they do is tighten even more. And each time I move, the feeling of the knife piercing my skin keeps my attention off my current problem. I stop trying to struggle, and try to use telekinesis to slice the bonds. But every time I try to use it, the feeling of power flowing through me negates itself, almost as if it is keeping something from me. I keep struggling, and I swear I can feel my organs being split open, allowing an imaginary feeling of blood exiting what appears to be a vein. I cry out in pain, make it stop, make it fucking stop-

And I close my eyes. And then I open them. Almost like I was forced to.

The knife feels like it left me. The imaginary blood coming out stopped. My bonds rip from my hands. The feeling of energy flowing through me comes back. First my eyes are enhanced, and then my ability to sense another presence comes back. It started slow, like a small tingling feeling. And my senses point me to another section of the void. I see nothing. But it keeps prevailing, keeping me from looking away from the spot. And all of a sudden, pain shoots through me, and I realize what is happening.

I'm being watched. Lingering in the shadows like the assassin you don't see until you're dead is a person who has been watching me the whole time.

"Oh, so you finally realized that I am here. Hm."

I recognize that voice, but I don't want to.

"Why are you here? I thought when you left for Silence, you were going for good," I said.

"I didn't think that it was fair to leave you all in the dark. I mean, you didn't really expect me to keep you here this long and not document the results."

"I expected you to stay away. When you started Project Silence, you were supposed to stay out of the picture, fall back," I said.

"I couldn't resist. But I came back for a single reason."

"And what is that? To ruin everything for Gumball and Marshall?" I asked.

"No. The experiment has gone out of control."

I flinched. The experiment failed?

"What?" I asked in an insistent tone.

"We have been documenting the results of how Simone has been able to take over, and apparently there has been several little blips, that might become bigger as the time goes on. Two people are destroying Simone's control."

"Who are they?" I said.

"After Hyde died, people knew who killed him. They want to rebel. And they are going to rebel. The experiment will not go on if this spark is not contained. That was your job in the first place, Cake. I'm not fucking around with you."

I don't speak. I haven't seen her in a long time and she treats me like this much shit?

"So Marshall and Gumball, huh?" I asked, sighing along with it.

"Their relationship is a spark of hope in a world full of hate. Simone has already agreed to denounce the rule. If their relationship continues, the people will take back the world. Simone wants to quit the experiment and move on to Europe. So does Lord Monichromicorn. They are tired of living the lie. Immediate termination of this relationship between Marshall Abadeer and Bonnie Gumball is going into effect."

"Just one thing," I say. "Do I get Lord back?"

The lights flash on. The slender figure of Fionna appears in the light.

"It will be done."

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