Explanations and Goodbyes

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Hey guys! It's the author! All I can say is that I am glad that I wrote this story. I personally went through so many changes throughout this story's production. I remember when this story had like one read, and that was when my friend Cara read it. But now it's at almost 6,000! I never thought it would even get one hundred, but here I am. It's been a long two years, but I finally finished it. I'm glad that I have finished it, but it's sort of bittersweet. But besides that, I'm sure that those of you who read beginning to end wonder how the hell any of that shit that just happened happened, and I want to clarify it just in case you are wondering.

The Empire's decision to split up Gumball and Marshall was solely to bring out the cold and deadly part of Marshall Lee, so he would assume the title of the leader of this organization. His cruelty throughout his unnatural life has been what earned him credits to become a target of the powers that be. The Empire's sole purpose would to bring the cream of the crop up from the population and cut off the rest that was deemed unimportant, presumably for slavery or they would be killed.

Ice Queen is not dead. She survived and lives on, but as of now, no one knows where she is. Whether she will be found or not, I have no idea. That is a story for another time.

Cake started a militia, and joined up with the rest of the people going up against Marshall's new empire. It consists of her, Princess Bubblegum, Lumpy Space Princess, and a couple of other princesses, along with a big following of people that will join as well. There will be a power struggle, but they will survive, I'm assuming.

If there are any more questions about things, please comment and ask me. I will most likely reply, although you never know. Also, please comment if you want to see a sequel! I have been thinking I'm probably doing one, but I'm not solidly sure that I am. It's all up to you guys!


My Twitter is @ ZORENDOM, my vine is in my bio, and my Instagram is @ honeymoon.yaoi. Please check out my other stories, which I will start writing again. Thank you for this opportunity, and goodbye!

coldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora