Chapter Six

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Hey, I'm sorry it took so long to publish another chapter. I've just been a little stressed bc I'm at a new school, and I just feel so alone ovr there. I'm going to join some stuff, though, so i'll be fine I guess. But without further ado, here is chapter 6!


Gumball's point of view.

The preparations to leave for NYC were minimal. I didn't really need to pack for any giant journey. I just needed one pair of clothes. My princey clothes served as a setback, so I just changed into my ninja clothes sort of. Yeah. Ninja clothes. I'm actually not that defenseless despite the assumptions.

Marshall of course switched into a sort of body suit as well, except he was muscley, and I wasn't. It was bad too, because it hugged all the right places. Fucking hell why is he so hot.

Cake really just stayed the same. She could just make herself into armour so it didn't really matter.

I packed some weapons in my body suit as well. You'll probably see me at NYC being badass. Just saying.

We got out of the house and walked all the way to the entrance. I then sat myself down and started on a portal.

"I'm going to make this portal so we save our energy for the battle to the tree. Please sit tight and wait."

I got out the device and started working on it. I saw Cake out of the corner of my eye test out her new powers, the ability to disappear. She used the trick on Marshall, and boy did Marshall get the shit scared out of him. He tumbled over and started cursing while cake was laughing like no tomorrow. By the time that predicament was over, I was finished with the portal.

"Okay, it's finished."

The device opened, and a vast circle formed out of metal appeared. Then there was a loud crack, and the passage way formed.

"Okay, when travelling by portal you must be careful to realize that all of your energy must be focused on one location. Should you waver and wander your mind away from the location ahead the road you make will crumble and fall," I said, packing up my crap.

"And, uh, what happens if you fall into the portal with no support?" Cake said nervously.

"Well, it depends," I began. If other portals open while we use ours you could fall into one of them and not be able to find your way back to the correct dimension. Some dimensions might welcome you in and not hurt you. With other ones, you might get yourself killed."

Cake swallowed a little too harshly at that last comment. Marshall wore a crooked smirk but I could tell he was nervous even in all of his mischief.

"Another rare way you can die in these events is if you fall and there is nowhere for you to fall into. If that happens, in which it rarely does, then you keep falling until you age out of control and you disinigrate. Its only ever happened once."

They didn't like their chances. I could tell.

"We have to go."

Cake and Marshall grabbed their things. We all stepped in front of the portal.

"On three. I will go first and make the road with the energy n shit, and you will come from behind me. If you can help me out that would be easier on me, even though I am perfectly fine on my own," I said, stepping one foot in and making a lightly accented road.

"One, two-"

I could feel Marshall's hand intertwine with mine.


And I jumped into chaos.

*** -Marshall's point of view-

We traveled. The chaos was overwhelming. The pure enormity of this dimensional crossroads was unnerving. Creatures were crossing, frantic, and none were familiar. The road was illuminated, and and was vibrating. The creatures didn't even look like they noticed us.

"BUBBA! WHY CAN'T THEY SEE US?" I asked Gumball.




The phrase resounds in my head. He's using his energy to get us to the place. He is exerting himself when I owe him my life.

I can't live with that guilt. But I don't know how to do as Gumball does.

I can love him, however.

"WE ARE APPROACHING THE EN-" Gumball said as he was knocked off of the energy road by a jet of light. As simple and quick as a flu shot. Cake's mouth was wide open. My breathing stopped. My eyes wide open. the sound blocked out.

And he fell like a rag doll.

And my heart started beating.

coldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora