Chapter Two

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Marshall Lee's pov

I wake up to pain.

Gumball was going psycho. He woke up in a faze, screaming, "STOP STOP STOP!!!!!" I intervened and said, "Stop, you're fine." He still couldn't hear me, not stopping from screaming. I just stopped trying and hugged him. Once I did, he stopped.

He calmed down, and breathed normally.

"M-Marshall?" Gumball struggled to ask.

"Yes, love?" I asked in a gentle tone, putting my hand on his face.

"Make the bad dreams go away," he said, resting his head in my neck.

"I'll chase those nasty monsters away, and make sure I am the only one to be there," I say as I take him and have him lay beside me.

He was whimpering and shivering from the cold ugly night before, at the mercy of Simone. If that bitch thinks she could do that to my Bubba, she has a whole other thing coming to her.

He hyperventilated while he cuddled into my chest. "This boy," I thought. "Will be the death of me." Did I care?

Hell no.

My arms caused Bubba to shiver. I felt bad. He must have been tortured over there. That bitch Simone decided she could just hurt my Gumball. If she goes near him again, I will kill her. I don't care how important she was to me a thousand years ago.

Morning came. I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Yum. Ill have to drag out the red so it doesn't taste like ashes in my mouth.

Gumball was by the stove, with a pan full of food. He seemed overjoyed, having a spring in his step. He looked so freakin' cute with his shirt all down like a dress. I just wanna snatch him up and screw around with him. Wink wink.

He notices me as he puts the food on some plates. "Good morning," he says.

I walk over to him. "Good morning. What are you cooking?" I ask.

"Bacon and eggs. I soaked your food with red."

"Great. You always know me," I say, taking food.

I sit at the bar by the kitchen, watching him bake a cake. Such mastery. Such grace. The way he runs around, swaying his hips and humming tunes turns me on.

I can't help myself.

I get up and walk over to him while he dances and whisks the cake. I take the bowl and set it on the counter.

"Hey! What are you-"

I pick him up and have him in my arms like he's my bride at a wedding.

"...doing..." He says, as he settles his head in my chest.

I take him and kiss him on top of the head.

"You are my bubba forever," I say as I carry him to the bed.


Hey! Its @likeomigoshi. lolz sorry I didn't post in a while. I've kinda taken a bunch of hiatuses that have been abnormally long and strenuous since I've had to do this stupid project for school. The struggle, I know. but whatever. Anyways, vote for this chapter! And spread this story to everybody so that I can have a whole bunch of reads n shit. the next chapter is gonna be having 18+ material if u know what I mean. *winks excessively* Anyways, thanx! Follow me on Instagram @hetalia_fangurld.

Bye, ball sacks.

Ps I'm sorry this is so short. It kind of came from the bottom of my mind where all the non juicy stuff is. If you heard all the juicy stuff from the deeper parts of my mind, whoaaaaaa.

Oh lawrdy. And also idk if like when people comment on this it shows up on ur notifications or nah. plz tell meh.


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