Chapter Thirteen

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Marshall's pov

Gumball was yelling.

I wake up with my eyes void of vision. Shouting can be heard from the room next door. Gumball, and Cake. but there is a third voice, one that seems muffled out among the others. I try to listen in to see if I can hear better, but it is to no avail. I get worried that Gumball might be getting turned in, if Cake might have ratted out our location, to which I hope is not true. I immediately put on some pants and a button up shirt and walk into the room next door. And what I find is shocking.

Cake is standing with Gumball, talking to him in whispery tones that I cannot hear. Their speaking seems to be in the direction of the third person, and it sounded all too familiar.

"OH MY GOSH, MARSHYYYYYY!" Fionna screams as she flings herself on me.

I freeze. How the hell is she here? I thought she kicked the bucket a year ago, but it seems like that isn't the case, is it? Completely in shock, I push her off of me, not bothering to talk to her. I go right to Gumball as Cake settles Fionna down.

"Um, would you mind telling me how the FUCK Fionna is here?" I quietly scream at Gumball.

"She faked her death."

"I was under the impression that she was about as dead as Marceline, but apparently that isn't the case, is it?" I asked.

"It's self-explanatory. She faked her death."


Gumball mutters under his breath and says to me, "The person you saw was compressed and molded water molecules added with color and clay to make a figure, dumbass. Didn't you think she looked a little pasty that day?"

It comes together only slightly for me. "Then how was it able to talk-"

"Voice modulator."

"So Fionna is smarter than I thought," I said. "But just how smart is she?"

"We tested her a couple of hours ago and she has an IQ of 212. As a comparison, I have an IQ of 215."

"Holy shit, she is smart," I said. To be on par with Bubba, you have to be extremely smart to get to that point.

To be honest, even if she did survive, I don't know why she would be here. It's not like intelligence has any real relevance in the end of the world, unless you are resourceful, like cute ass little Bubba over there. Fionna wouldn't be able to survive at all in this situation. Her physical training hasn't geared her for this kind of thing. But she might be able to hold her own, who knows?

"Why are you here anyway, Fionna?" I quickly ask her.

She situates herself so that she stands straight.

"I, uh, I'm here on behalf of the remaining scientists of the territories of Ooo, Aaa, and Semi-Pangea, technically the ones who haven't joined the New Empire already, and I need your help."

I scoffed. "Oh really? Why should we help you?"

Fionna looks to the side, becoming angry with me, I can tell.

"Oh my god- okay, so you want Simone out, right?" Fionna asked.

"Jesus Christ, that's why we are over here, Einstein," I said, laughing.

"I'll take that as a yes. Anyways, we are planning on taking Simone out of power, swiftly, and softly. Of course, we need the materials-"

"Why did you come here if you didn't have the shit you needed?" I asked her, interrupting her further.


I immediately shut up. It wasn't even my own decision, I just shut up and I couldn't open up my mouth. It is almost as if a hand covered it up. Gumball started bursting out laughing. Cake was making noises from her nose. Fionna just looked infuriated. And I kind of just sat there like an idiot.

"Alrighty, so as I was saying, we plan to take Simone out. We have developed technology to completely stop anyone from talking by either becoming mad at them, waving a hand at them, or by just saying the word silence. As you can see, that's what happened to Marshall here. This will only last for a limited amount of time, and therefore requires us to work swiftly and efficiently." Fionna said.

"How does this 'silence' machine have any relevance to the mission?" Bubba asked.

"The silence machine also warps speech, so for example someone can say, 'I want to go to the park,' but with the machine, to the right person, it will sound like, 'Let's go fuck in the park.'"

"So we can just end her empire in the blink of an eye, essentially," Cake said, sounding rather interested.

"We need direct contact with her, but yes. We can end it."

Gumball looked like he liked that idea, and as did Cake.

"I agree," said Gumball.

"As do I," said Cake.

And everyone looked at me. I suddenly felt awkward and wanted to leave the room, but something kept me here. A sense of hope. Maybe we can end it. Maybe me and Gumball can just end it and then just be with each other forever. We could just forget the royalty and live together and love each other separate from the world.

Fionna broke the silence. "Marshall, your opinion?"

The seal on my mouth lifts. I waste no time in my reply.

"When do we start?"

Fionna smirks. "Right now."


Okay, so I actually have the rest of this story mapped out. I already have an end set up in my mind so I will probably be done soon. I will try to get in the rest of the story before the end of the summer, but there is no guarantees. I also wanted to know, should I ever decide to make a sequel, would you guys read it? I mean I thought about it bc this has been a big success so like why not, y'know? Let me know in the comments below!


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