Chapter Twelve

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Gumball's point of view

I wake up in Marshall's arms.

His cold touch jitters me awake when conscious thoughts come back to my body. My body becomes active, and I feel like ice is all over me. But it is a nice cold. Not overpowering, not a complete winter. I find comfort in the chilly atmosphere. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I turn around just slightly to find Marshall still fast asleep. To make sure I don't wake him, I slide ever so slightly out of his grasp so he can sleep peacefully for one night. If I don't let him, he might just give up and die right when we try to capture the city. I look back to see if he still sleeps. His eyes remain closed and he only moves to switch his position. Good. It's at least one good thing I can do.

I put on Marshall's shirt, only wearing my underwear, and I walk to the open window of the building. The night's cold air blows through the empty streets, wrappers billowing along with it. I put the shirt lower on my arms to take in the cold. I love the cold. I used to stand out like this when the kingdoms were in effect, just standing out on the balcony, gazing into the navy blue sky with the stars all over the expanse, lighting up the dark landscape below. I keep thinking on how Marshall is the same, just like Romeo from thousands of years ago. Juliet said that when he dies, that he will be cut up in little stars strewn across the night sky, so that all could admire the night, and pay no worship to the jealous sun. And the same will be said for Marshall, only he is the sun, the moon, the stars, the hot summer day and the cold winter night. He is the flowers in the spring, and the leaves of the fall. He is my Romeo.

I hear a stur behind me. It's Marshall, he's getting up. I laugh at his sleep hair and his muffled grunts while getting up.

"Yo, when did I say you could take my clothes?" he asks, joking around.

"When you asked me to be your boyfriend, duh," I say.

He grunts and stands up, walking over to my clothing bag. "You're lucky you're cute."

I laugh and turn back to the city. The street lights turn on, and the tree in the middle shows up. I look at it in wonder, thinking about where Cake is. Speaking of her, where is she?

Marshall slips his arms around me and buries his head in the crook of my shoulder. I smile and hold his hands in mine, feeling once again that cold feeling that I get when he's around. The icy touch I crave. Even from being touched by him, I blush, and I get warmer all over my body.

"Oh, I see your body is gaining heat. You want another round?" he asks, smirking through my shoulder.

"No, not right now. Let's just stay like this, and not move. The moon is as pretty as ever, so let's just remain here," I say.

"You got me, Bubba," he says.

No longer holding in any emotion, I just turn around and kiss him fully on the lips. Just like any other time, I get fireworks. My heart gains speed, and I can feel the blood pumping through and through. His hands find my legs, and my arms wrap around his neck as he picks me back up, leading his face even more so into the kiss. The other half of my legs entwines around his waist. The taste of each other gets more addicting every time it happens. I can't seem to get enough of him every time that we come together in the sickeningly sweet passion unleashed every time we meet.

"Sex?" Marshall asks me, knowing the answer already.

"Yes," I say as he slips off the shirt and leads me to the bed.


Cake's point of view

We walk down the street, going in the cloak of a dead black night. Fionna walks in heels, even if she hasn't known how to walk in heels in the time I knew her. I walk plainly, morphing into a human to level the playing ground between us.

"So you survived the attack on New York?" I asked, wondering why she even bothered coming back.

"Yeah, Simone set up an illusion prior to so that I could escape without being seen. Fooled ya, didn't we?" she jokes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? The entire world is in turmoil, Gumball is close to death and you just decide, 'Hey, why don't I be a bitch and decide to give Bubba a good kick in the balls?" What the fuck is that, Fionna?"

"I'M SORRY! But it was agreed! Me and Finn had to leave our partners to begin the new empire, but since its dying, why does it matter? Gumball still has the same fate," Fionna says, speeding up down the sidewalk.

I sigh. "So you are really sure Gumball's life is in jeopardy? Is this the only alternative?"

"Yeah, it's necessary. And using the lie is crucial to his survival. There needs to be a successor to the throne who will be later proven defective, only because Gumball states that he has been driven cold," Fionna says. She points to the door that I stop at, the building Bubba, Marshall and I reside in. "Here?"

I start to cry. "Here."

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