Chapter Fifteen

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Marshall Lee's point of view

"What are you talking about? What is happening?" I asked, getting worked into a frenzy.

"I can't tell you right now, just trust me and run," he says, getting out a gun.

"Can you just explain-"

"GO! And don't look back!"

I take his word for it and go in the opposite direction as Gumball. He shoots a couple times, but it does nothing, and he runs to catch up to us. Fionna ran all the time prior to What Happened, so she's fine with running like this. I have super speed, and Gumball is extremely fast all by himself.

I looked back to see who was chasing after us. Even if it was a small and shadowy figure, the trademark hat was all too real, and told me that we shouldn't have come here. It will completely destroy Fionna and Jake, if he's still alive at this point. At that moment, I run up close to Gumball, so I can talk to him.

"Why," I say, my voice low so no one can hear.

"He was the only logical candidate. He was already dead so there was no struggle to put up with," Gumball said, keeping his voice low as well. "He was strong, fearless, and agile."

"But why Finn, of all people-"

"Because he's dead. And when they realize that Finn the Human's dead corpse is running after them to murder them, it's going to mess them up mentally after, even if they do survive fighting him."

I don't speak. My brain is under too much stress. Gumball gets worried and looks back at me.

"Should I have not said anything-"

"No. No, it's my fault. I should have known better."

He smiles warmly at me and, as we run, intertwines our fingers.

"When this is all over, we should go live on the coastline. By the ocean."

"I don't know. Will it have any shade?"

"Yeah. I'll get some people to install a veranda or something," he says, looking at the ground, smiling.

"I'd rather do it with you. It would be a good thing for both of us to recover with. Maybe have some kids running around too."

"You know I can't have any kids. I'm a guy," Gumball says.

"I know. But maybe. Just maybe, if our biologies are different, we could...we could..."

"Shhh...I know...I know..." He says, putting a finger to my lips.

But something tells me that we won't.

"GUYS!" Cake screams. "THERE'S A DOOR TO THE TOWER!"

I look to Gumball. He looks at me the same.

"Let's go."

We speed up and find Cake at a garage door, the guards all dead on the ground. Cake is waving at us to hurry up.



We hurry up to the door sliding into the factory-like expanse, almost as big as the giant castle back in the Nightosphere. We walk in as Cake quickly closes the garage door. I hear grunting outside, but it's faint, and not exactly noticeable. It's probably best that way. He hasn't found us.

I look around the entire expanse. It was cloaked with a red lighting throughout the room. Machines were all off, the silence, almost too quiet. On the floor there was occasional blood splatters. The screens and computers all were blue, the bodies at the desks grotesquely mutilated like they had been ripped open, and the insides of the body eaten out. The bodies on the floor were no better, although you could tell they were eaten after the individual committed suicide.Posters and papers strewn across the floor blew around and hung on to the machines. And a lone wall, the most horrible of all, had the words written in blood, YOU WILL SEE PRETTY THINGS.

Gumball sat down, bewildered, holding his hand to his mouth. Fionna was on the ground, slipping in and out of consciousness, obviously grossed out. Cake had a blank stare on her face, and I simply had no comment.

"Why is this like this?" Fionna asked. "Who did this?"

"He did this. He isn't himself anymore, but rather a monster," Gumball said.

Right after he said that, I heard a loud bang on the door long behind us. Fionna woke right up.

"W-what was that?" Fionna asked.

"Him. He is coming," I said, starting to walk in the other direction.

There was another bang, only even louder this time. Fionna trembled at the sound. Moans came from the front, reverberating throughout the entire room. Cake started panicking, and Bubba went up to me, closing in on my ear.

"Once he breaks in, we run. If we don't split up, we are less likely to get killed. Deal?" Gumball whispers into my ear.


The door broke with a final bang, and I hear a loud howl coming from the front of the room.

Cake booked it from the scene. Gumball saw and screamed "WAIT! Come back..."

I look back to the front, and I see a figure about one hundred feet away. His signature hat tells me it's Finn. Fionna whimpers behind me. Gumball stands firm. "If we stay together, we can fight him."

"No, go. I don't need another life on my hands," I say.

"But we need to stay together, or else we will all die," Fionna says.

"And I can't lose you," Gumball says.

"Just run. I would rather die than you get hurt, I love you too much," I say, as I kiss him on the lips.

Tears come out of his eyes. "Just make it back, okay?"

He motions to Fionna to leave. She smiles, and runs in Cake's direction, along with Gumball.

I turn back to Finn. His decaying face and odor even affect me from one hundred feet away. I swallow my fear, and put on a confident face.

"Well what are you waiting for? Come and get it."

Finn screams, and runs after me.

Hey! It's @ likeomigoshi! I'm sorry this is kind of uneventful and short, but I am most likely going to make another chapter this week or the next, so please don't get mad at me!

For those who have read my other fanfiction, "Where Will You Be?" I am purposefully not continuing it for the sake of this story, and I only wanted y'all to get a couple background information chapters to float you by, and when I finish this story at the beginning or so of 2016, I will start devoting my time to the other story. But this story being completed is priority.

Follow my ig @ amethystox.veins for more info, and I also have a vine, but I don't need to mention it TBH. And also as a final note, should I decide to make a sequel, would you guys want it? I think, with the ending I've decided to go with, a sequel is definitely needed, so please comment or message me if you would like a sequel after I'm done with this story!


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