Chapter Four

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Hey. this chapter is like continuing from where cake was being a bitch ass and spoiling the fun. SRY I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IN A LONG TIME IT'S JUST BEEN HORRIBLE. I RLY NEED MORE FOLLOWERS ON MY INSTAGRAM. LIKE I RLY WANT MORE. LIKE TWO HUNDRED. I ONLY HAVE 70 SOMETHING. SO PLS FOLLOW @hetalia_fangurld.

*Continue from that bitch ass cock block cake*

"Marshall, honey, I'm coming in," said Cake, opening the door.

"Fuck!" I said, putting on my clothes.

"IM SORRY, BUBBA, I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS COMING!" Said Marshall, coming towards me with only his boxers on.

(Hot damn, I thought to myself.)

"Hush! She'll hear us and then we will be in deep shit!" I said, fully dressed. "Okay, I'll greet cake and you can get yourself dressed so she doesn't see you like that! Now hurry!"

He nodded and went to the bathroom.

I ran over to the entry way and and Cake was there, scratched up and bloody.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT, CAKE, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I exclaimed, taking her into the house.

"Yeah I'm okay. Hyde saw me on the road while he was taking candy recruits, specifically women, and shot me. Luckily it wasn't anywhere bad..." she said as she coughed up blood.


Marshall got out of the bathroom and got the first aid kit. Luckily he was dressed. He got out bandages and tools to patch up Cake's wound. Since I dabbled in medical procedures, Cake was brought back to health by me in a couple of hours.

We sat in the living room. We shut the blinds and windows and made the room more dark so that we couldn't be known as refugees. Cake was still calming down. She has been through a lot lately. She might need more help.

"So what happened?" I began.

Cake straightened herself up. "I was trying to save a candy child from one of hyde's men that had tried to gather up the last bit of candy children to execute and use the remains as food for the hounds, when I noticed that a stray campground was hidden in the woods. Most of them were women. the remaining men were just there to protect them from any of the horrible oozes or Simone's army. But Hyde came, with one hundred or so men and killed them. All of the men. The women were bound and taken alive. The older women and children were killed. The rest were taken off. I tried to help them. But Hyde shot me. I called Lsp (female. remember, Simone took over the world!) to see if she had any remaining transport powder. She did. And that's how I got here."

"Where were the women taken off to?" I asked.

"I would assume the city. For prostitution," said cake. "Simone took over most of the world except for the land of the dead, and Lumpy Space. The only places she doesn't know how to get to."

"Okay, we will journey to Lumpy Space eventually. Right now, you must get rest." I said, ushering off Cake to a spare room.


"I WILL, I PROMISE!" said Marshall.

"Well how about that. We have more things to do Marshall," I said. "First we have to pack up for a days worth of food. Then we have to cast spells so our house isn't visible or accessible by any of Simone's army. Then we have to-"

I felt arms embrace me from behind. Marshall started kissing me on the neck while he rocked me back and forth where we stood.

"Yeah I know, Bubba. But can I just squeeze in a little love in there? So you can remember how much I love and adore you, my sweet little bubba-gum?" Marshall purred seductively into my ear as he planted kisses all over my neck.

"You don't need to remind me. I already know," I said. "But I love you too, so why can't I return the favor?"

"Of course you can, bubba. Love me all you want tonight."


Cake was still asleep. She snored loud as fuck. I mean seriously what the hell.

The lights were off. Marshall and I sat on the couch, watching The Fault In Our Stars. It was just after support group, after Patrick droned on about how they were in the literal heart of Jesus, and how he had to chop off his balls, and it got through all the intros for the people, their names, diagnosis, and why they were there. What they feared. The staring of Hazel and Gus while Patrick droned on. And then it got to where Hazel and Gus were waiting at the curb. Hazel saw Gus staring at her, and she said, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're beautiful," said Gus. Even though Gus wasn't the only one who said it.

Marshall said it too.

I looked at Marshall. He had been staring at me the whole time. He wore a smile on his face.

"You are beautiful, bubba. The way you talk, walk, act, dance, sing, cook, heal, all of it is beautiful. I love all of you, bubba. Forever and always," He said, looking back at the TV. He was blushing.

"Oh Marshall, my sweet king. I love you too. Forever and always," I said, as I planted a kiss on his cheek.

Then he pulled me up against him by the waist and made me lay down beside him. Our bodies touched, mine less muscular and smaller. He kissed me on my forehead.

"Damn, I don't know how you can be that cute," said Marshall.

"I don't know how you can be that damn hot," I said.

"I guess 1000 years of wandering has given me an advantage," said Marshall.

"I guess 600 years of being a virgin made me more cute and innocent," I said. "I'm not a virgin anymore."

"I haven't wandered like that in a while and I don't intend to, either," said Marshall. "I've found a reason to stop," he said as he kissed me once more.

He pulled me closer to him. I nuzzled my head into his chest and closed my eyes.

"Maybe "okay" can be our "always."



There was a pause, and then,


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