Chapter Seventeen

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Marshall's Point of View

"Are you kidding me?" I say, my heart starting to pound in my chest. "Are you really shitting me, right now?"

Gumball didn't say anything, but his silence said everything for him. This is real. The checkerboard pattern all along the walls meant to induce a seizure, and if that isn't enough, there are guards at every staircase.

"Why can't we just go some other way? Isn't there another way to go?" asks Cake.

"No. The door locked behind us, meaning this is the only way up to the top, where Simone is. And not only that, even if we could go back and through a different way, we would have to go back into the murder house back there, and I'm pretty sure that we shouldn't do that at all," says Fionna.

"Well, then, we're fucked," I said.

"No, not yet. We still can make it. It may seem as if it goes on forever, but really it's an optical illusion. It's not as big as it seems," says Gumball, getting out a gun.

"And how is that, Bubba?" I ask, scoffing.

"Every time you shift your eyes to look around, the building seems to get bigger, because the colors look like they change and move up," he says. "For me and Fionna, we've been looking at the same point the entire time. The door to the last room."

Now that I look at it, it does make sense. I was starting to get dizzy thinking it was getting bigger, but it really wasn't that bad once I focused on one point. It really is much easier than it seems.

Gumball whispered to Fionna a couple of words, and Fionna nodded as an answer. Why should they feel as if they need to hide anything? Gumball threw his gun to Fionna, and as she caught it, he got out some metal gloves. He slid them on, and they came to life on his hands. He put his backpack back on, and motioned us to follow them. I nodded, as well as Cake, and Gumball started to walk up the stairs. Cake was hesitant, but she trusted Gumball more than me, so she went up the stairs, me following close behind.

Running up the stairs, we encountered a guard, his armor heavier than the others we've seen. He has a sword, it's blade glowing a malicious looking crimson. His eyes were red as well, and his anger towards us seemed as if it had no real reason.

Like it's empty.

He ran at us, and I put up my arms up to fight him, but Gumball whirred in front of me and jabbed him in the stomach. A shock of electricity came out of the gloves and into the guy, blasting him back and killing him when he hit the wall, his body hanging limp on the side of the stairs and in the abyss. Gumball kept running up the stairs, his gaze never averting off the path. Cake and Fionna followed, and I hesitated, but I figured at some point Gumball would need my help, so I kept on after them.

The number of guards increased  ever so slightly each floor that we traveled up. It seemed as if we would never be able to get up to the top, but sooner than never, Gumball said that we only had one floor left. Gumball completely took over the dance floor with his physical prowess. But he was getting tired, and I knew he needed someone to lean on. So I ran up beside him and picked him up bridal style. He started fighting me about it, pushing me by my chest, kicking a little bit.

"Get off me, Marshall! I can handle myself!-"

I kiss his lips to hush him up.

"I want to help you. You don't need to carry this burden all by yourself. I love you," I say, smiling warmly.

Gumball blushed a cute blush and put his arms around my neck. "Okay, Marshall. I trust you."

My eyes scan his cute little frame and we move on. Fionna elbows me in the ribs. "Nice job!"

After a couple more flights of stairs, we reach the top floor. The door to the Ice Queen's room is frozen shut, the frost overcoming the heat left in the area. Cake morphed into a strong man and tried pulling the door open with all her might, but she couldn't get it open. Fionna put on special fighting gear to enhance kicking and punching strength, but she still couldn't knock the door down. Even spells from ancient Nightospherean spell books couldn't pry the door open.

"What kind of magic is this?" I say, panting. "How could Simone be this adept at magic?"

"She might have just lost her final distraction, Prince Gumball," Cake said. "It was always her prime focus when using her powers. Although she never got her full potential. But now she has."

Fionna went back over to the edge of the floor opening up to the abyss. She laughed into it, screaming and making echoing sounds into the grounds below.  Cake got angry at her, almost like a mother figure.


"Oh relax, Cake! It's not like anyone's left, it's just Simone-"

Just then, a large behemoth of a humanoid , jumped down and slammed on the ground, only around ten feet away from Fionna herself. The ground cracked around her, a small chunk of the floor dissolving where her feet were. She struggled to get back up, but her fingers were barely holding on to the edge of the floor. I ran to her, trying to get her back up, but it was of no use. The creature knocked me back and into a wall.


"NO! THIS IS MY FIGHT! I WANT TO BE MY OWN PERSON!" She said, pulling herself back up to face the creature.

Cake couldn't move. She wanted to help, but this was Fionna's fight. This was her time to shine.

"Alright, let's get cracking!" Fionna said, running at the monster.

She started out with a straight punch in the gut, but her hand sunk into the creature's stomach. The creature growled and took the hand she punched with, and crushed the armor around it. Fionna screamed in pain, but no one was allowed to do anything. This was Fionna's fight. Fionna counted on the creature doing that, and swung up to land an uppercut to knock the creature off balance. Fionna didn't waste time and kicked it again, only this time it didn't get stuck, and the creature got knocked to the edge of the floor. It screamed in pain, bloodcurdling in nature. Gumball put his face against my chest, not bearing to watch.

Fionna climbed on top of the monster, charging up her machinery for a final punch.

"Famous last words?" She asked, pulling her arm back.

"What's the point of life," it said, voice monotone, "if you can't ruin another's?"

And with that, it grabbed Fionna by the ankles and threw her off and the floor and into the abyss, her screams echoing throughout the expanse.
Cake screamed in pain and ran at him, but not before a wire wrapped around the creature's waist.

"I'M NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT MEANING," she screamed, as she pulled the creature down with her.

Cake looked over the edge, watching her fall down and down and down, until she couldn't be seen.

Just then, the door to the room flew open. Along with six other creatures of the same nature as the one before.

"C'mon, Cake we have to go," I said, pulling her away from the scene.

She stretched a hand to the floors edge.

"WE AREN'T GOING TO LET FIONNA'S DEATH BE IN VAIN, NOW LET'S GO!" I screamed, letting Gumball fight the creatures off temporarily.

She mumbled okay, her run slow and empty.

We ran to the door, Gumball blasting the creatures back to the best of his ability. "WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" I say, running as fast as I could.

Me and Gumball made it, but Cake wasn't there yet. The creatures blocked the way. Yet there was a small opening, a glimmer of hope. We motioned for her to hurry. And with one final slide, Cake slid through to the opening. And with that, the doors slammed shut, the quiet banging of fists on the door slowly dying down into nothing.


hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but here you go! Only about four more chapters left!

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