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The screen looked as if it skipped forward to a few days later and honestly, Cale felt a sense of relief that his family, friends, and literally everyone else won't see the full chaos that he must endure during that time.

That being said, at the sight of how exhausted he was on Kim's body despite it being only 3 days according to his own records, well...

Not only did he sense the brewing headaches, but he also re-experienced the weariness just from remembering shits that had happened to him in such a 'short' of time.


After paying attention and taking notes on all of the minor and major details he needs to be wary of not to die foolishly, Cale noticed a few changes and little quirks in his family and his friends.

Choi Han who's always on guard, Ron who'd accompany him till Hans took over by noon, Alberu who occasionally visits in the evening, Beacrox who'd come personally if neither Lock nor the wolf children are available.

As for Eruhaben...


That golden-haired elf has his eyes and attention glued to the gigantic screen, especially after his name is mentioned in such a disdainful manner.


'He hasn't been visiting even once'


'Eh? But isn't that good then? why is Cale walking on the eggshells the—?'

Well, that ancient dragon soon got his answer.


Rok Soo wondered whether he did that out of guilt or something else... either way, he's restless, mainly after what Cale told him before.

{Well, uhh... after that incident... I... might have been avoiding him subconsciously...?}

Which is understandable, really.

Rok Soo himself was planning to ignore the Ancient Dragon from the get-go after the abuse that the dragon did to Cale.


"The young master-nim was... Abused?"

'By The Dragon-nim, nonetheless?'

One of the Mogoru citizens could not believe what's happening behind that screen right now. 

All that he ever see of the mentioned gold dragon was how much the ancient being cherishes the hero-nim and even treated him like his own child.

So, it's so bizarre for him to ever know of this sort of situation actually happening in one of many parallel worlds...


'While the children are pretty much the same, Lock and Choi Han showed signs of guilt,'

These five would be great targets for his future schemes.

'Ron, Alberu, and Rosalyn, on the otherhand...'

He needs to be extra careful when these bastards are around. They're not as easy to fool, although, when he tested it, they seemed to be just as fidgety whenever he showed genuine discomfort.

For example...

The last time he said that he's cold, Alberu went as far as snuggling with him while having both of them wrapped up in warm blanket— most likely it was the children's influence.


'This would have been so wholesome had we not known the fucked up story behind it'

Paseton's lips were drawn to a thin line as he glared at the sky where that view is being shown.

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