The beginning pt. 2

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I gasp for air, then immediately cough it out, my whole body feels like it's on fire while I also feel drained. I feel so many things all at once and it hurts so much.

I can feel again, I can breathe again, but something is wrong.

I look around the familiar room. I am so confused, what happened? This isn't my room, it doesn't seem like my castle. There is too much going on, too much information to process at once, it feels like my head will split open, it hurts so much.

"Elos! You're awake, thank goodness!"

I attempt to sit up, but I can't move, my body feels so stiff. I glance over and there's a girl who looks very familiar, too familiar.

"R...a.." I try to speak, but it's so difficult.

Raf looks at me with tears in the corners of her eyes, she looks like she'd burst into tears any second. "D-Don't... Don't ever do that again! We thought you'd never wake up! Do you know how worried we were!"

After a while, Raf's rant and scolding subsided, and she began helping me with physical therapy. I couldn't lift a finger.

It took weeks for me to be able to speak again, and even longer for me to be able to walk. After living with Raf for a year, I was fully recovered, physically anyway. I'm still not at my best, and it's hard for me to cope sometimes, but I've found some things that just make it easier.

I refound my love for art, and music, and there were many things that changed in the last five years. Even though my body changed, my mind was hardly able to keep up with the sudden influx of information.

Thankfully, I was able to adapt quickly, and my friends were a great help in that.

If it weren't for them, I would still be frozen in that crystal prison.

"Elos! You have to eat something, skipping meals isn't good for you!" Raf pouts while lecturing me. She's so cute, I like that she worries about me, but it's starting to get a little concerning.

I think she's afraid that I'll disappear if she takes her eyes off me, honestly, I'm a little afraid of that too. The witch who caused the destruction of my family is still out there, and we have no way of knowing if or when she'll come back for the source of my magic.

"I know, I know..." I stare at the training facility, where the guards of the kingdom would spar. I don't know when, but I began to envy the knights that had so much control over their lives, not only can they hardly be considered to be nobility, they're able to do and be whatever they wish.

I couldn't even get out of bed by myself, do anything by myself until a few months ago.

Raf sighs, sitting next to me on the grass, looking at the training facility with me. "...Do you want to talk about it?"

I glanced at her, then back at the knights. I can't begin to describe the mix of emotions inside me. Raf isn't to blame, none of these people are, but sometimes I lash out on them, even when I don't mean to. Even though I take it out on them, they still won't give up on me, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

I'm trying my hardest to change, but I don't think it'll be so easy. There are times when I'm calm, like this, and I'd like to be like this all the time, if I can help it.

"Raf.... I want to go to Red Fountain. I want to be a specialist."

It got quiet for a moment. I waited for her response for what felt like hours, but when I looked at her, there were tears streaming down her face.

I panic a little, "Raf! I'm sorry, are you okay? I didn't..." I have no idea how to comfort her, I don't even know what she's crying about, but I feel terrible.

"Elos... That's the first one you've asked for something!" She burst into tears, hugging me so tightly it's hard to breathe.

I admit, I'm confused. It can't be the only thing I've asked for since I've been here, right? Right? I don't know, but if she says so, I guess she's right.

"I'll do everything in my power to get you into that school, don't worry about a thing! Ah, you're going to miss the enrollment period, we have to prepare!"

Raf hops up, quickly running back onto her castle, nearly bumping into Urie on her way.

"Woah, hey Raf-"

"Sorry, can't talk, gotta go!"

Urie watches her back for a minute, then starts to giggle as she comes over to me. "Well, that's Raf for you. How are you feeling, Elos?"

I smile at her. "I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm alright. So, is this where you've been sneaking away to? I can't imagine that." She crouches next to me, checking my body's condition with her magic.

"I like beautiful things. This world is very beautiful." I laughed, though I don't think my heart was in it.

Urie nods. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder you know. You seem to be alright, other than stress, your body is back to near perfect condition. I think you should be able to go outside now. Do you want to go to the festival of Tee-Li with me? It'll be fun."

I stared at her for a while, that hopeful gaze pierced my heart and I felt like I couldn't say no. Urie is so cute! She and Raf are both cute, how can I say no to that face?

"Sure. We can go."

Urie's smile is like the first flower that blooms after snowfall, radiant, and gentle, beautiful even. It may have been worth agreeing just to see it. She waved as she ran away to prepare, and now I have one more thing to worry about.

"...ha... Mother, did you know? If it wasn't for these people, our world would have died with us. I can't be a fairy, ever again, but I can be a fighter. Until the day I avenge you, mom, dad, my sister Eliza..." I hug my knees to my chest, praying to myself. "I don't deserve to be a guardian fairy."

I was once the youngest guardian fairy in history, and now, I'll be the first female specialist in magix.

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