Fairy Sleepover

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Days after meeting Sulfus, I was still a little out of it. I was distracted in class, during tests, even hanging out with my friends. I couldn't focus on anything but him.

It was like he'd always be there, in the back of my mind, and suddenly come forward when I had to do something.

"Ha... He's so cute...."

"Elos! Pay attention!"

The teacher's voice pulled me out of my trance before I plunged my blade into the concrete near my friend's head.

He panted on the ground, his face entirely pale, and there were several small, non-lethal, scratches on his arms.

"Ah.... Oops..." I put my spear away and helped him to his feet. Seriously, he should've just forfeited if he was gonna be this scared from a few cuts.

"Elos, this was just a guarding practice match. You went overboard." The instructor scolded me, again. There's only two months left for this year, I can't keep messing up this late in the game.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention...." I lowered my head, then turned to my sparring partner. Allen is a small guy, a speed type fighter like I am. "Next time, just fight back. I'll be sure to knock you back on your butt."

I nudged his shoulder. Allen laughed it off, resting his arm on my shoulder.

"Fine, I'll fight back, but don't go crying later about a broken nail."

I rolled my eyes and not-so-gently flipped him over, sending him crashing into the crowd of first years who were watching our mock battle.

The instructor yelled, but I ignored him, holding up a hand as if I were examining my nails.

"Huh, what do you know, I threw ya, and I didn't break a nail."

Allen groaned, along with the boys he fell on. He rubbed the back off his head, rolling off the underclassmen. "That's fair..."

The instructor sent me back to my dorms for that little stunt. I don't know why though, it's not like I actually hurt somebody, but if I'm not focused I guess I could be a danger to myself and others.

My phone rang just as I left the arena, and it took me a second to answer because I didn't recognize the number. "Yeah?"

"Hey Elos, this is Mikki. I got your number from Urie."

I smiled hearing her voice. "Hey. What's up?"

Mikki giggled,"We were wondering if you wanted to come to the dorm today, for a little sleepover. It'll be fun."

Urie definitely could've just asked me herself, but maybe this was actually planned by Mikki. I don't mind that she has my number or anything, I just think it's strange.

"Okay. Sure, why not? I'll be there before the barrier goes up." I agreed to it because, obviously they have something planned, and whatever it is should take my mind off Sulfus... I hope.

It's not that I'm upset because of that guy, it's just that I don't want to come off as desperate because, well, I did just meet him. I also don't want to assume anything because that would be weird.

I mean, I know I'm not ugly, but everyone has a type and I don't know if I'm his. Honestly I doubt I knew my own type until I saw him. How could someone be so perfect, it's like he came fresh out of a factory of dreams. He's even prettier than than the princess of Solaria!

"Ah! I'm doing it again." I mumble to myself as I made my way to the room. I leave a note for my roommates before getting my stuff together.

Sneaking out has always been super easy, just hop on my griffin's back, try not to get noticed by the dragons, and go. Even if the teachers, headmaster, and counselors notice me leaving, they'll assume I'm flight training with Kilin, or they know I'm sneaking out and just think I'll be back before closing time. Which I never am, but of course they don't need to know that.

Even getting into Alfea is easy, during the day anyway. Students walk around all the time, and there are a few animal fairies around so seeing a rare creature like a griffin from time to time isn't a stretch.

"Ha? Is that Molly and Polly? No way, they're so big now." I infiltrate the campus on foot, not in uniform because it would be entirely too obvious that I don't belong. Kilin cooed while tilting his head towards a group of fairies he recognized from our childhood.

"Yeah, the princess of Teloic, princess of Raidi, and the princess of Dyros. They were supposed to be my playmates back then... It's a shame we never had the chance." I sighed.

Kilin lowered his head, cooing somberly.

"I know... But hey, I still have you, Raf, Urie, and all new friends to turn to. So it's not that big a deal." I rubbed behind his fluffy ears. He used to be so little, now he's even bigger than his mom was.

"Hey, Elos!"

I looked up towards the person that called me and there was Sweet falling down from the balcony. I caught her just before she hit the ground, laughing.

"Girl, you should be more careful. It would be a shame if you got hurt."

Sweet laughed, leaning against me. "I knew you'd catch me."

I rolled my eyes, then whistled. Kilin carefully picked me up and carried us up to the balcony Sweet had fallen from.

"You have entirely too much faith in someone you've only met twice."

Sweet shrugged. "You're just really trustworthy."

"You think?" I carried her into the room. The Alfea dorms are slightly different from the ones at Red Fountain, but make a lot more sense. It's one room, split into a few by thin doors. Good for privacy.

"Elos! You're early!"

As I was putting sweet back on her feet, Raf ran over, hugging me from behind. I like how she's always excited to see me, like how I was with my sister.

"Yeah, I didn't really feel lik going to the rest of my classes today, and I threw Allen at a bunch of first years so I'm pretty sure there's a lecture waiting for me when I get back." I waved at Kilin and he wiggled the bag off his back, curling up on the floor for a nap. He's just a big cutie.

Mikki closed the balcony doors, then turned to us. "We have to be more careful, headmistress Faragonda would give us detention for this."

"You're worried about that? If anyone asks any questions, we'll just say she lost her way walking through the dorms, and have her sneak out the back with Kilin!" Urie giggled, shuffling plants around the room to make space for my griffin friend. He really likes the smell of plant life, so he's always liked being around Urie's plant experiments, even if they grow out of control sometimes.

"It's nice that you guys invited me and all, but I've gotta ask..."

"-Why did Mikki invite you instead of either me or Urie?" Raf asked my question for me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah, exactly. Also, let go of me already." I wiggled out of her arms, moving to sit on Kilin's back. The most comfortable seat in the room if I'm being honest.

Raf folded her arms, sighing, "Well.... You've been really distracted lately, and we wanted to show you that Urie and I aren't the only fairies that are here for you, ya'know? Our friends are your friends too."

I admit I was a little taken aback. I think it's cute that they worry about me like this, enough to just call me over for a girls night, though it was kind of a round about way of doing it. I like that they care.

With everything going on in my head, I could use a break from all that.... Complication? I dunno.

I need to sort myself out, I think.

I wonder what Sulfus is doing, maybe he's thinking about me too? If he's not that's okay, but I kind of hope he is and I'm not just hoping for the impossible again.


And here I am thinking about him again. Maybe I should just call him? No, no way, I can't do that.

"Elos, you're drifting into pixie land again." Sweet laughed, and I only sighed to myself.

What am I supposed to do?

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