Petty Queen

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"Uggh, how many times do we have to do this!"

"Until you're done crying about it."

I watched my trainees do their rigorous exercise routine, one that I've done every day for the past two years. These poor boys had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they agreed to follow the routine.

Riven was especially peeved, since every time one of them messed up, they all had to start over from the beginning.

"I thought you'd be better at this, Riven..." I sighed, shaking my head.

Riven glared at me, then dropped from the bars he was hanging on to. "That's it, I'm done! Why are we listening to this little girl anyway!?"

"Riven!" Sky shouted, glaring at his teammate.

I just smiled at them. "Aw, is it too hard for you."

Riven clicked his teeth, "I like to see you try and do it."

The other three protested quite insistently, but he has already said what he had to say.

I smiled at them, waving them off my course on my way to the beginning of it. "Sky, count me in."

The brunette looked at his squire, then nodded. "Three, two, one.... Go!"

My course is simple, starting with a tire run carrying a sand bag while squatting between steps. There's only ten tires, so ten steps, then the sandbag goes down. Next it's a rope climb, which isn't difficult at all, it's only twenty-eight feet, and once at the top the bell needs to be rang and we swing to the bars below. The bars are easiest when landing on top of them, it's all about balance instead of upper body strength, if you can land right.

From the bars, they're supposed to land on the mat below and roll while pulling out their weapon of choice and hitting a target on their way off the ground- all while projectiles are being lunched at them. Simple.

The entire course could be done in under a minute, and I've completed the course four times in under a minute. What I lack in physical strength, I make up for with agility.

It's not that hard.

"Didn't even break a sweat."

The boys stared at me, slack jawed. It's not the first time, and definitely won't be the last.

Brandon was the first one to mentally recover and he looked at his purple haired teammate. "You were saying, Riv?"

Sky cheered, "That was awesome! How'd you know when to swing? And I didn't know we could walk on top of the bars, but that makes so much more sense!"

Timmy had some kind of device in his hand and pulled up a holographic video of my performance. "The muscle rotation is unreal, she had to have done this a lot, there's zero hesitation in her movements and they're minimal to conserve energy- that's amazing!"

I was kind of starting to get embarrassed.

Once Riven recovered, he frowned, folding his arms over his chest. "That was a fluke."

"Then you do it. If you can finish in under a minute, I'll leave you alone. But mind you, I can run this course in my sleep. You mess up even a single part, and you start over from the beginning. The rest of you can take a break." I skipped back to my position, watching Riven move back to the start of the course.

Brandon came up beside me. "Um, captain-"

"Elos. You guys don't actually have to call me captain, and stop being so formal already. I'm still a student." I nudged his shoulder. "Prince Sky."

He gasped. "How'd you know?"

I shrugged, smiling at him. "Blondie, if I, as crown princess of my kingdom, couldn't remember the prince of Eraklyon and his squire, my mom would turn over in her grave."

Brandon, or Sky who is posing as Brandon, sighed. "Yeah, I bet... You aren't gonna tell anyone, are you?"

"Are you going to treat me differently because I'm royalty?" I asked in return.

"Of course not. The whole reason Brandon and I switched was because I didn't want to be treated differently either." He folded his arms, looking at his squire who was having a very passionate discussion with Timmy over the recording he took of me.

Seriously, was it that interesting?

"I can't imagine what you've been through though. On our way in, the rumors about you were pretty intense. Is it true that you threw someone into the lake from your room window?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with interest.

"Yep, multiple times, it was awesome." I laughed, "I wanted to throw Riven in it too, but since you guys are newbies, I'm gonna be nice."

Sky chuckled, "We wouldn't blame you. I really am sorry for his behavior."

"It's not your fault, you can't control him anymore than I can, but I should definitely apologize for punishing you guys because of him alone." I rubbed the back of my neck, sighing.

"Hey, no sweat. We're a team, when one of us is weak, we all are. I'm just really sorry we can't do anything about him." He looked at Riven who had finally made it to the rope, struggling to pull himself up the twenty foot mark.

I smiled as professor Codatorta entered the training room. "Oh, I'm sure there's something we can do."

The professor came to give us our next mission, bring back the monster from the dead forest.

Their first monster wrangling mission.

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