The Best Witches

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I was having a fine weekend with Raf and her friends, hanging out in the heart of the city... When the witches showed up. I made a judgement call and decided it would be better to just give in to Kabale before she threw a tantrum.

Thankfully Raf was totally fine with it.

"Aren't we way more fun than those lame fairies anyway? I mean, come on!" Kabale held my arm while dragging me from store to store with Cabiria. They're trying to find some fabric to use in an outfit their making.

"I don't know about being more fun, but you certainly have a lot more stuff going on." I shrugged, letting myself be pulled along.

Apparently, I'm their model. I don't remember volunteering, but sure, I'm happy to help. Cabiria hasn't done me wrong yet in her little fashion experiments, so I'm good.

Being with these two witches really reminds me of the time I spent with my sister.

"Oh my gosh, Elos! You should totally wear something blue, it's so your color!" Cabiria held the fabric up to me. It's a shade of baby blue, but sparkly like it's made with magic.

"I mean, every color is my color. I'm beautiful, or so I've been told many, many times." I laughed, twirling my hair around my finger.

Kabale grinned. "Finally! Yeah, you totally are super pretty, like girl, do you know how annoying it was watching you be humble? It's cool to brag about something that's completely true."

I kind of rolled my eyes, nudging her. "I'm glad you like it. It's nothing to brag about though."

Cabiria shrugged, picking up different pieces of cloth and holding them to my skin. "Elos, take it from us, being vain is not a problem for us pretty people. If you got it, flant it, make people jealous, be obnoxious about it. Give those witches a real reason to hate you."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but-"

Kabale cut me off. "No buts. Seriously, if anyone knew what it took to get us here, they'd just appreciate the fact that you're breathing in their direction."

Maybe it was the fact that it came from witches who are known for being very selfish and mean, but their words mean a lot to me. Neither of them are really the mushy type, both of them would much rather put others down for their own amusement. Yet, they always seem to try to make me smile. I don't know what I did to deserve kind friends like this, but I'm glad.

"Oh wow, your hair is kind of glittery." Cabiria suddenly touches my hair. "Was it always like this? It's almost like your hair is made of.... Crystals?"

It's not like I've ever hidden my hair, but I'm still surprised she's only noticing now. I still think it's strange that no one recognizes me, and it's even more strange that no one asked for my origin in the first place.

"Well, it kind of is. It's a signature of the people born on my home planet. Glass-like crystalline hair, and eyes like jewels." I flipped my hair, letting the light shine through it which created a pretty, wavy, pattern of light on the floor.

Cabiria gasped, "Wow! Oh, wait a minute... Where are you from? I thought you were born in Espedia."

I shook my head, then stood up straight out of habit. "Nope. Is that what everyone thinks? I am... Was... The crown princess of Cristilli, Elos Luvea Crystia."

They were silent for a minute, then they both began turning pale. I didn't know why, but they seemed more afraid than shocked.

The pure fear in their eyes shook me, why would they suddenly be so afraid? Why didn't they say anything?

The silence suffocated me, I couldn't say anything either. It's like something was weighing on me, maybe I should've just lied.

Cabiria's shaking voice broke the silence. "I... I am s-so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I can't.... I can't even... I'm just so sorry..."

It wasn't like she asked anything out of the ordinary. I expected more people to ask that question, so why is she so apologetic?

"Hey, um, Elos... Are you okay?" Kabale's arms held me, almost as if she were trying to protect me. It's a warm and comforting, like she was trying to console me.

Why would she try and console me right now?

"Elos, you look really confused, so you probably haven't noticed, but... You're crying..." Cabiria cupped my cheeks, whipping away tears I didn't know were there.

Was I crying this entire time? What's wrong with me? I thought I had gotten over losing my home, but I guess... No one just "gets over" losing something important to them.

My heart felt like it was made of lead. Frozen still and heavy for some reason. I think I wasn't breathing for a minute, because when I tried to speak, I could only inhale.

Cabiria and Kabale looked at each other, then brought me out of the store and took me to a nice cafe. They gave me tissues, got me ice cream, giving me quick hugs and just awkwardly patting my back.

It didn't take long to calm down. Honestly I felt a little bad because I made them feel bad. It's not like I mind that they asked, I really don't think I'd mind at all. It was the first time anyone asked me... The first time it was really brought up since I was freed from the crystal.

"Okay, now that we're all just okay... Elos, is there something you want to talk about?" Kabale leaned against the table, whispering to me.

Cabiria nodded. "Yeah, we'll listen if you wanna tell your story. We aren't the best at comforting people but... If you want to talk, we're pretty good at listening."

Why is it that, the best people are the ones that nearly force you into friendships and drag you all over? The pushiest most extroverted people I've ever met are somehow... It's just so amazing.

Raf has been my best friend since the day she was born, and yet, I found it hard to confide in her because of that. She had an image of me that I just can't....

No, it's not that I can't, it's that I don't want to ruin it. Even if she's seen me pretty low, I don't think I'd be able to tell her what I did.

That day is burned into my memory, and will be for the rest of my life.

At least now I can tell someone about it, maybe now I won't feel as guilty.

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