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"Look, princess. Girls just can't handle the training it takes to be a specialist, especially here at Red Fountain. It's only for boys."

Raf 's face turns a bright shade of red, and she slams her hands on the desk. "How dare you!"

"Oh dear, Raf is getting quite fired up." The queen of Espedia, Raf's mother, Angelie. Is typically a very gentle woman, until someone messes with their family.

The king of Espedia, Raf's father, Malachi, nods in agreement with his wife, glaring at the headmaster who denied them. "Elos, sweetheart, why don't you tour the campus while we settle this."

I could tell this would turn ugly very fast, so I decide to take him up on his offer, and run away as fast as possible.

Red Fountain is a school that floats in a sky above one end of Lake Roccaluce, a lake that protects one of the greatest beings in all of magix, but normal people aren't privy to that information.

As the future queen of my planet, and the guardian fairy of Cristilli, I had a lot of information at my disposal. Yes, I was the second princess, but my talent in magic greatly overshadowed my sister, and the crown was given to me. My sister was so proud that day...

Who knew that gaining enchantix so early in my life would lead to the end of my world.

I know I have to stop thinking like that. Even if I was like my peers, my dimension still would have fallen, only, everyone would have died, including me. I am thankful for the crystals for protecting me at such a crucial time.

"What should I do now...?" I slowly walk the grounds of Red Fountain. There were many students already there for the admission process. Princes and knights from all over magix, as well as common folk who just have enough money to attend, come here in order to train to become guardians of their homelands.

I have to admit, some of these boys are pretty, but none are my type. Being with Raf so long has desensitized me to pretty people.

I can feel some of them staring at me, but I expected as much. I didn't let it bother me and continued my exploration. Eventually, I made it to a small flower bed, and one of the flowers had wilted and fallen off.

"Aw, that's a shame." I picked up the flower, revitalizing it with nature magic. It is truly beautiful. I adore flowers, it reminds me of home. My planet was home to many rare plants and species of animals, mainly animals that ate the gems we grew.

"Kilin would love this... I wonder if he'd come to school with me." I smiled, thinking of my friend, the griffin. He and I seem to be what remains of my homeland. I remember the day that he came to me, it was by accident that he fell from the sky, having been rejected by his mother.

He was very small, but now he's as big as a blue troll and fluffy like cotton. We've been together since I was four years old, staying beside me as I was frozen in the crystal heart. Five long years, he waited for me, growing weaker as time went on. I don't know what I did to deserve such a kind creature.

At some point, I snap out of my thoughts and notice a boy with long, black hair in a neat ponytail, holding a pencil and paper as if he were sketching something.

I watched him for a while, until he noticed and his lips curled into the gentlest smile.

"I apologize, I did not intend to intrude." He offered a bow, which I returned, mainly out of habit.

"It's fine, I get it. When you feel inspired, you simply have to draw." I carefully returned the flower to its place under the bush, and waved goodbye to the stranger.

I have a hard time talking to people as of late. I try not to be openly hostile, but I can't trust anyone. I feel like everyone is out to get me, and it's terrifying. Urie said I have anxiety, and I fully agree, but I don't know what to do about it.

Maybe throwing myself into this new environment isn't the best idea, but I can't rely on the kindness of my friends forever.

The main thing is, meeting new people is absolutely terrifying. I should just ease into it. Like learning how to talk.

After much exploration, I made my way back to the main office just as Raf was coming out. She looked so proud, and tired, but mostly the former.

I was only gone for maybe two or three hours, but it seemed they resolved the situation.

It seems I'll be enrolling this year.

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