The Second Year Wizard

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Sulfus was baffled when his sisters returned cheerfully for once in their miserable lives. Of course he noticed they disappeared at the start of the summer, he expected them to be back after maybe a week or three, but they ended up not returning until around the start of their school term.

They didn't miss the first day, but they really cut it close. What made the witches so late? Of course they wouldn't tell him directly. He had a sneaking suspicion, but it wasn't even confirmed until a week into his second year.

"Sorry! I didn't know that you were there."

Sulfus clicked his teeth, only giving the new girl a cold stare. She shrunk behind her books while the others in the area watched her with contempt. He wasn't exactly happy that the spell he placed on the fairy was broken so easily, and by his sisters of all people.

He didn't even hear what the girl was saying, to him, it was just endless drivel from an incompetent witch. He had far more important things to do, like find out who was at that party with the fairy he had his eyes on.

How dare that wretched knight even lay eyes on such an angelic fairy. Kabale confessed to visiting the fairy on Espedia with Cabiria, among other things.

At first, he was angry, but after a minute, he realized what they did was for the best. Sure they could've gone about it differently, but if they had, they would've become such fast friends with that fairy, and she wouldn't have known he even existed.

It's not like he's afraid to just go talk to her or anything, he just can't.

From what Kabale had to say, the fairy, Elos, is not native to Espedia, and though she lives in the castle and is treated as well as, or even better than, someone of the royal family. Kabale didn't ask Elos for her story, but learned from the whispers of the servants.

"Get out of my way." He pushed past the young witch, knocking her to the floor with a harsh nudge. The witch didn't even have time to react after she was told what to do.

The poor witch was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time. But that's how it is for users of dark magic.

Sulfus didn't know a lot about Elos, even though he was watching her for about half a school term. What he did know was the information he bought, and the information he received from his sister.

Elos has an acute anxiety disorder. It's not often, but sometimes she has to close herself in a room, hyperventilating, sometimes screaming, sometimes just curled into a ball on the floor, just absolutely panicking for seemingly no reason. Whatever it is, it could be inferred that the girl went through a traumatic experience either before, or during her stay in Espedia.

Clearly, she is best friends with the crown princess, and is treated very well by the rulers, so the thought of something bad happening while in Espedia is... Scary to say the least, but she hadn't been there very long.

Where did she come from?

Sulfus skipped his last class of the day to get some air. He's been to a lot of places as a delegate for his kingdom, but none seem to fit that particular fairy's image.

That was one thing to think about, and then his mind wondered to the newest problem at hand.


Sulfus didn't care much about the people that fairy would hang out with, but why did it have to be the most cold-blooded of all the childhood friends he's ever had. How did Damien even get into Red Fountain with his track record?

Sulfus knew that, whatever Damien had planned for that fairy would make all hell break loose in that damned school.

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