The Royal Four

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"Jade, we cannot let mother call Sulfus back like this, she clearly knows!"

"I know that, Zyire. The serpents have been whispering to me for a lot longer than you might think."

The oldest of the two was pacing around the room, clearly worried for her youngest brother.

After Jade's attempt to get their mother to overlook Sulfus's behavior all those months ago, she caught wind of Sulfus entering a hotel with that same fairy and only leaving the next morning, disheveled.

The Empress was not happy. Not happy at all. She blew up, the entire planet shaking under her rage.

"Mom is going crazy... She's planning to pull Sulfus out of school and have him marry his fiancee the night of the festival!" Zyire groaned inwardly, biting on the nail of her thumb.

Jade had never seen her older sister so panicked, she's usually the most levelheaded of the five of them. Like their mother, she's a fairy of darkness and the night, and got to see a time when their mother was truly a ruthless.

She saw sides of their mother her younger siblings would never see, even their father wasn't safe... But she could never tell her siblings about those times.

Jade could only just remember before her mom made the change to being a real fairy. The witch of darkness doted on her children, but only her children...

"Mother... She nearly killed your 'one' because of your arranged marriage." Jade muttered, looking at the grim expression on her elder sister's face.

Zyire sighed, finally sitting at the tea table across from her sister. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be with that girl today..."

Jade placed an empty cup in front of her sister. "It was nothing, mother was being unreasonable... But that wasn't unusual, her 'one' did get married to someone else after all."

Zyire shook her head, pouring herself some tea. "Yes, that was mother's turning point, when her dragon's desire began to consume her.... Speaking of, what became of her 'one'?"

"I can't recall... Oh, tell me about this girl our dear youngest is in love with." Jade changed the subject, as to not continue dwelling on their misery.

Zyire gushed, "Oh my goodness, so, thankfully, the girl is nobility, so if mother finds out who she is, she won't be as angry."

Jade chuckled, "That does make it a little better, yeah."

"Anyway, our youngest is totally smitten! The way he described her made her sound so... Magical. She has to be his 'one', just has to! Appearance wise, I'm not going to lie to you, sister, that girl.... She's the most mesmerizing person I've ever seen, and I only saw a picture."

Jade gasped, "My goodness. And your standards are high-"

"I know! That's why I was so shocked. I told Sulfus I thought she was shiny, which she definitely is, her hair and eyes might as well be made of magic jewels, her skin is fair, and her eyes... Dazzling..." Zyire smiled, picking up her cup. "I'm very happy for him, and also, I'm excited to meet that girl... Elos, I think her name is. He said she's a specialist, but was formerly a fairy."

Jade raised an eyebrow. "A woman specialist? And a former fairy at that... Did he say what level she reached?"

"Enchantix. The girl is, or was, a guardian fairy. Formerly a crown princess, but her home was destroyed, people massacred. Unfortunate for her, but a blessing of darkness for our dear youngest." Zyire took a sip from the cup, chuckling a bit. "He seems quite possessive."

"Do you think she's easily manipulated?"

Zyire shrugged. "For now, I can't say. What do the serpents think?"

Jade, like her youngest brother, was very fond of snakes and have quite a few as pets. The one she was most fond of never left her side for even a second. That snake is her 'one', and she named him Eclipse. He's been her very best friend for as long as she can remember and he is a highly intelligent magic creature.

"Eclipse, what do you have to say?"

The serpent on her shoulder hissed, getting close to her ear. "The girl is... Unusual, my friend. Indeed, unusual."

"Unusual? In what way?" Jade looked at her sister, who only shrugged again when Eclipse spoke.

Eclipse was about to continue when there was a soft knock at the door.

"Come in, Rolland."

Their younger brother walked right into the room, making sure to close the door behind him. It didn't show on his face, bit his sisters could tell he was worried.

Rolland is the second prince, taking after his mom in appearance, and his father in personality, so the fact that he could be worried over anything outside of himself was a big surprise.

"Jade, Zyire... Mom is dragging Sulfus back... She's locking him in his room until the festival." He spoke very softly, staking a seat at the table with his sisters. "Sulfus is going to hurt someone if our mother keeps trying to control him."

Jade set out another tea cup, while Zyire poured the tea.

"How's it looking right now?" Zyire asked.

"It just went from bad to worse. Since this is the first time he rebelled, mother is going ballistic." Rolland sighed, sipping from the cup. "Brother may just kill our mother at this rate."

Jade shushed him, putting her finger against her lips, "That's treason."

"It's the truth. Even though Sulfus looks like dad, he's just like mom, which is why he could deal with her smothering. Haven't you guys ever wondered just why mom let him go no contact for two years? It's because she knew he'd return no problem. But now..." He sighed, setting down the tea cup.

"Or precious youngest has gone rouge... Where's Ryzil, he should be a part of this."

Just like magic, Ryzil, the first prince, climbed his way through the window, brushing himself off. He's four seconds older than Rolland, they're identical twins.

"Sorry I'm late, you know my 'one' is so difficult to manage." Ryzil smiled at his siblings, taking a seat at the table, next to his twin. "I've created a piece that will blow your mind, guys. It's downtown, we can pass it on our ride to Texli."

Jade set another cup in front of him. "We have bigger problems than your art right now, remember?"

Ryzil gasped, "Right! Have you guys heard? Sulfus killed the guard that tried to bring him back!"


Ryzil covered his mouth, looking at his siblings who were all looking at the door. Zyire flicked her wrist, casing a silencing spell in the room.

"Now, Sulfus did what?" Jade glared at her noisy little brother. Unlike the rest of them, the boy had a very outgoing personality.

Ryzil smiled, "My bad, sister. Anyway, he killed the guard, mother is pissed. Like, holy dark dragon pissed."

Rolland face palmed, shaking his head. "Hopefully she doesn't destroy my 'one' in her fit of rage..."

Zyire gasped, "The garden! We must move that immediately."

"Eclipse, make note. Move Rolland's one to my palace on the far side of the nebula." Jade made the request to her snake and he nodded in response.

Rolland cracked at smile, holding his head down. "Thank you..."

Jade placed a hand on her brother's shoulder. "Don't thank me, it's the least I can do for you."

Zyire chuckled, "I feel so out of place. Sulfus and I are the only ones in this family who's 'one' is meant to be our life partner."

Ryzil gushed, "Awe! Who's his one! Tell me all about them." He leaned against the table, and Zyire couldn't stop herself from laughing.

Jade rolled her eyes. "Oh my darkness, here we go again."

The Fairy Among Specialistsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें