A Gentle Love

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"Are you sure you should be walking? Your legs gave out last night."

"And whose fault do you think that is, love?"

Sulfus chuckled listening to her horse voice, handing her a glass of water. "Yours. Literally yours."

Elos thought about it for a second then sighed and drank the water.

"I'm right, aren't I?" The boy grinned, rubbing the marks on his neck. "You could've bitten me, I'd be into it."

"Nah, Kabale would nag me for days. The hickies are already too much." She mumbled, her face turning a bright shade of red.

Sulfus rolled his eyes, then looked at himself in the mirror, adoring the collection of bright pink that littered his neck, chest, and shoulders. "Oh my darkness..." He mumbled, turning to see the deep scratches on his back, among other things that stood out on his pale skin. "It's fucking hot."

Elos watched him from the corner of her eye, giggling to herself. "If you like it that much, maybe I won't hold back next time."

"What was that, love?" He asked, picking the clothes they threw across the room the night before.

"I was asking what you wanted to do today." she lied quickly, getting dressed in her closet.

Sulfus twirled a finger and their clothes began spinning the air, foaming from magic soap and water. After a minute, he snapped his fingers and the clothes were dried in an instant. "I don't really care as long as I get to be with you."

Elos let out a happy sigh, smiling as she came out of the closet. "You're sweet."

Sulfus was known for being cold-hearted, but when it came to Elos, he was nearly unrecognizable. He knows this but doesn't care. Whether it's his real personality, or something he just made up didn't matter, Elos just made him feel... Happy.

"Yeah? That's not something I hear often." He got dressed, then began putting away the clothes he washed. "Hey, come here for a second."

Elos was know for being very serious, and unyielding. Though her expertise in magic wasn't known, her skill with the spear was renowned amongst specialist schools all over magix. She's not exactly cold, but definitely not approachable, and yet when it came to Sulfus, her guard might as well have been paper thin, because he just walked right through. She'd melt under his gaze and had absolutely no problem with it.

"Yep." She went to his side, humming. "What's up?"

Sulfus opened his suitcase to take out a small glass-like bottle, surrounded by magic. "Remember this?"

Elos gasped, "My fairy dust vile! I thought I'd never see it again after-..." She cut herself off, looking over her boyfriend once more. "I gave it to... Sunshine?"

The boy gave her a soft peck on the cheek, putting the bottle back into his suitcase. "I recognized you right away, I'm hurt, Starlight."

Elos let out an audible squeal, hugging onto his arm. "It's been so long! Mom nearly killed me after she found out I gave my fairy dust away!"

Sulfus chuckled. "I know, I heard. She went on a rampage looking for it back then. My mom cursed me when she found out the shadow eye was missing. You still have it, don't you?"

Elos nodded, lifting her hair to reveal a dark, yet shining earring. "Of course. I don't go anywhere without it. My adorable little sunshine gave it to me after I gave him my fairy dust, he said he'd follow my custom, as long as I follow his as well..."

Sulfus smiled, not some devilish grin, but a genuine, happy smile. He was overjoyed that she remembered so much, he was a bit worried that she'd only remember the negatives that happened back then.

But that's a story for another time.

"We did all we could back then, but in the end..." He sighed, lovingly caressing her cheek. "I was dragged away from you. I'm sorry, angel."

Elos leaned towards his hand, blushing all the while. "Don't apologize... We're together again despite all that chaos..." She trailed off, then quickly switched the subject. "Hey, you've always wanted to see my magic, do you want to do that today?"

"Absolutely." He nodded, "But can't I get I morning kiss first?"

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