Dark Fire

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When the moon was at its highest point in the sky, and all the stars vanished in the night, the Empress of the Sulfuric Empire lit the way to the festival.

A grand ceremony was to be held on the main island, a vast and beautiful area in the heart of the Sulfuric Nebula.

The night was only to be illuminated by the magic Astia, who had planned the entire event with her family.

Royals from all over the magic dimension were invited to this event, and many power houses would be present as both guests, and security.

Astia had it all planned out, down to the smallest detail. The only thing she couldn't account for, however, was her children's resistance...

"Elos, you can't use crystal magic?"

"It's not that I can't... It's just..." She trailed off, having to take a breath to calm herself. "It's difficult."

"Well, that complicates things..."

The children of the Empress gathered together, along with one particular warrior. A warrior blessed with magic, but didn't have the heart to use it.

Sulfus shook his head. "Don't blame her, we can use someone else."

"Who else, brother? We don't have any allies on this planet, and you are to be wed in mere hours." The eldest sister commented, looking over the scene their mother was making. "It appears the festival is about to begin... Mother will call us soon."

"It's not that bad, sis. Wait, you're security, you have to leave like, now!" The older of the pair of twins got up from his seat.

"Ryzil, calm down. We still haven't figured out how to stop all this and survive the aftermath." The second sister sighed, petting the snake on her shoulder.

Elos took a moment to reflect on herself. It wasn't impossible to do what they were asking, a distraction so big even the Empress wouldn't be able to handle it, but they needed someone with magic more powerful than their own.

Someone that Astia wouldn't be able to find.

They knew Elos had enough magic to rival the Empress herself, if she would just use it. Elos knew her magic better than anyone, the magic that completely destroyed her planet, everything she used to love... The magic she hesitated to use for the smallest things.


The five siblings turned to her when her voice rang through the silence.

She clenched her fists, having steeled herself to the decision she made.

"I'll do it... But it comes at a cost."

Four of the siblings looked relieved, and were prepared to give her whatever she asked, however, one was skeptical. He was rightfully worried for her.

Elos turned to her boyfriend, taking one of his hands on both of hers. "Babe, this is gonna sound bad..."

Sulfus flinched, raising an eyebrow. "Okay...? Wait, how bad."

Elos brought his hand to her lips, kissing the back of it. "I need my fairy dust back, love."


The room around them suddenly began to shake, trembling under the pressure of the sudden spike in magic.

Zyire, Jade, Ryzil, and Rolland were visibly confused at the interaction, one of them doing their best to stabilize the room."

Sulfus's reaction was immediate, like he was suddenly thrown into a dangerous situation. Suddenly everything felt surreal, he couldn't get his mind to keep up. How could she ask for that, knowing the implication?

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