Jade's Quick Wit

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"You're telling me, Sulfus is flirting with some girl from Espedia? Are you kidding me?"

The Empress paced around in front of her throne, her hair a bundle of flames as she raged.

"Mother, quell your anger." The second princess pleaded, sending a piercing glare to the maid who had snitched on her brother. "This insolent rodent is most likely attempting to get under your skin, knowing your plans for the crown prince."

The Empress looked at her daughter skeptically. "Under my skin?"

The maid shuddered under the pressure of her master, her forehead on the floor in front of them.

"Yes, mother. Sulfus has always been a very good child. Remember, his past relationships always ended the moment he got bored, even if he is flirting now, what makes this any different?" She internally apologized to her brother, but decided to use the lesser of two evils, just to give him more time.

Jade is the second princess of the Sulfuric Nebula, and would be second in line for the throne if Sulfus hadn't taken the fall for her. As much as she adores her family, her mom was entirely too controlling for her to get through the first hour of the lessons she would have been subjected to. That's thirty minutes longer than her elder sister lasted.

She's the most warm-hearted of those in the royal family, being the most free of them all, meaning she was also one of the more shrewd siblings. She'd often cover for them as much as she could, but there was only so much she could do against her mother.

Astia is not evil. Not at all in the traditional sense of the word. She's a doting mother, very kind most of the time.

Her children call her a tyrant, and yet it was hard for them to really criticize her because she is an amazing leader, but she did things that just didn't make any sense.

All people born in the Sulfuric Nebula know the legend of the dragon of darkness.

Instead of leaving behind a physical piece of itself, it left a burning desire in the very souls of those who inherited the magic of darkness.

This desire easily becomes an obsession, a sole reason for them to live, and it is so strong even royals have died for it. The object, or person, of this desire is called their 'one'.

Rumor had it that, Empress Astia, by her own hands, murdered her 'one' to prove her resolve for the throne.

Her family knows that's not true, but rumors must come from somewhere.

Jade knew that, if her mother found out about the girl her brother has been seeing is actually his 'one'... She shuddered at the thought.

Astia clapped her hands. "You're absolutely right, Jade! What was I thinking? You're so smart, sweetie!" She glared at the maid. "You fill my head with needless worries... I should fire you, but I'll let it slide since I'm sure you're only worried about the kingdom."

The maid had been holding her breath until her face was a shade of blue, finally able to breathe when she heard she'd keep her life.

Jade shooed the maid out, and the maid bolted for the door.

"Mother, worry not for the future of the crown prince. The kingdom will have a wonderful ruler." She smiled at her mother, genuinely surprised she had let the maid off so easily- and then...

A shrill scream rang throughout the castle, causing a cold chill to shake her spine.

Astia let a cold smile grace her lips. "You're completely correct, my dear. We can't have such a maid that spouts nonsense to her masters simply running around freely, now can we."

Jade lowered her head, breaking out in a cold sweat. "Mother, have mercy. Must we spill blood on the year of the Festival of Night?"

Astia thought about her actions for a moment, just a moment, then giggled like a child, "Right again, Jade. You always know just what to say."

The screaming faded into distant crying, then into nothing at all.

Jade could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and internally hoped her brother knew what he was doing. If he didn't... His 'one' would end up being a legend herself.

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