The Best Sisters

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"Jade, don't you think it is unfair that only our brothers have met the infamous warrior?" Zyire walked down the hall with her younger sister following behind her, a serpent on her shoulder.

Jade nodded, sighing, "Absolutely unfair. The boys always keep the fun things away from us, it's so rude."

"Therefore, we should go meet her as well, yes? I mean, it's been a few hours, they should have 'caught up' by now. That box was fairly small." Zyire glanced at the portraits on the wall, just as they reached their brother's room.

Jade's serpent, Eclipse, slithered under the door, and Sulfus noticed as soon as his own snake began to hiss.

He held Elos as close as possible, draping a sheet over her shoulders to cover her body.

"You could knock, Jade." He grumbled, looking down at his girlfriend who was half awake at that point. She was exhausted, it was the first time in a while that she had actually slept.

Elos rested her head on his shoulder, looking at him through half-lidded eyes.

"It's okay, El, go back to sleep." He whispered, gently smoothing her hair. She only nodded in response, closing her eyes again.

Sulfus made sure they were both covered up before unlocking the door. "Come in."

Jade casually pushed the door open, picking up Eclipse on her way in. "Sorry to interrupt. Zyire, they're decent."

Zyire peeked into the room, then sighed in relief as she entered. "Thank darkness."

Sulfus rolled his eyes. "I'm thankful that you two snuck her in and all, but don't try spying on us like that."

Jade shook her head, "I wasn't trying to spy, I sent Eclipse in because I didn't know if you two were done... 'Reconciling'. Honestly, I expected a lot more." She chuckled, curling a finger under the chin of her snake.

"Elos hasn't been sleeping well these last few days." He sighed, shaking his head. "I wish I had been there..."

Zyire looked at her sister with a sad smile on her face. Jade returned her sister's sympathetic gaze and set the clothes they brought on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Sulfus. I know it had to be hard for you both." She lowered her head.

Elos stirred in his arms, causing Sulfus to shush his sisters. "Sorry, Elos, I'll send them away, just relax."

She shook her head, mumbling sleepily, "Nah, it's....okay. "

Sulfus kissed over her eyelids, smiling at her. "It's not 'okay', love. Sleep some more."

Elos slowly blinked herself awake, kissing on his neck. "Too late, I'm awake now."

Sulfus's face turned a bright shade of red. "Hey, my sister's are right there."

"So? It's not like they didn't expect this." She muttered.

Zyire cleared her throat. "Well, um. This doesn't seem like a good time, so we'll come back later-"

"No, it's really fine." Elos assured them, rubbing her eyes. "We don't exactly have a lot of time anyway, right?"

Jade turned away from them, nodding. "Go ahead and get dressed, we have a lot to talk about."

Zyire turned around covering her face with both hands. "We, uh, didn't know your size, so we just brought some of our old clothes."

Elos freed herself from her boyfriend's arms and picked from the clothes the girls brought in. There were a lot of dresses, like, formal dresses. She thought it was strange, but picked out one that looked more casual.

"Thanks, uh, I'm sorry to meet you both like this. Thanks so much for sneaking me in though."

Sulfus got dressed as well, as quickly as he could. "Elos, these are my sisters, Zyire and Jade."

Elos nodded, smiling. "Nice to meet you both, I heard a lot about you guys, all good things of course. He makes you both sound like kyanite."

Zyire tilted her head to the side, looking at her brother's snake on his desk. "Kyanite?"

"Ah, a gemstone. It's really pretty when cut correctly, I'll have to bring a crystal sometime." Elos collected the clothes they just threw off and started to wash them with bubble magic.

"You don't have to do that, El. Just lay back down, oh and, we're dressed guys." Sulfus placed his hands on her shoulders, taking over the magic she was using.

The sisters turned back to them, both gushing over their brother's attentiveness, while also being baffled by it. They literally watched him grow up being such a cold and unfeeling person, and yet, with her, he's never seemed so different.

"Sulfus, I'm fine, really." Elos giggled, turning to face him. "Do I look bad?"

Sulfus exhales slowly, thinking about what he wanted to say, then shrugging and speaking his mind. "You're always so damn beautiful, but you look so tired right now."

Elos rolled her eyes, playing with the ends of her hair as she often does whenever she's nervous or embarrassed. "I'm really fine..."

"I would feel a lot better if you'd lay down, at least rest your eyes for a bit longer." He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, simultaneously folding their clothes with his magic.

"You're worrying too much. After all this is over, I'll really go to bed, promise." She leaned into his hand.

"Fine... But don't strain yourself." He gave in, shaking his head before looking at his sister's who were awestruck. "What?"

Jade picked her jaw up from the floor, chuckling, "I never thought you could be so... Soft... I like this new look, dear brother. Don't you agree, Zyire?"

"Certainly." Their sister snickered with the biggest grin on her face. "If I had known he could be so cute, I would've moved the plan ahead regardless of the risks."

"Absolutely." Jade agreed, nodding along with their sister.

Sulfus just rolled his eyes, and gestured towards his sisters. "Again, these are my older sisters."

Elos joined the two in their laughter, offering a simple bow of her head. "Elos Luvea Crystia, just call me Elos. It's nice to formally meet you both."

Zyire offered a formal curtsy. "Zyire Zultanite Sulfiria, but you can just call me sister-in-law." She winked. "Or Zeze if you wish."

Jade did the same as her older sister, Eclipse simply bowing his head. "Jade Dialous Sulfiria, and my friend here is called Eclipse. Please, refer to me as you see fit, preferably sister-in-law JD, or Jay, or... Well, um, I don't have many nick names actually." She chuckled a bit.

Elos smiled at them, the entire room lighting up as her eyes sparkled. "Alright, Zeze and Jay."

From there, a beautiful friendship would bloom, but that's a story for another time.

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