The Curse She Wrote pt. 2: Queen Dia

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"Alright, Slufie... I'm going to tell you a story. The story about my dear friend, and what this mass memory loss means for us."

The Empress, Sulfus's mother, threw a shard from the bookmark into the air and it burst to become a moving picture.

Sulfus sat quietly, watching as his mother spoke-

Millenia ago, the great dragon spread it's energy across the universe, creating planets until it's power was exhausted. From that point, the seven essential dragons were created. The dragon of land, dragon of water, dragon of air, dragon of fire, dragon of light, dragon of dark, and lastly, the dragon of magic.

Today, we know the dragons as the seven essential fairies, the beginning of life in the magical universe. After creating many planets, the dragons set to rest, becoming planets themselves.

The Dragon of Land became Linphea. The Dragon of Water became Andros. The dragon of Air became Antilexia. The dragon of Fire became Domino. The Dragon of Light became Solaria. The Dragon of dark became the Sulfuric Nebula. The Dragon of Magic became Cristilli.

Some dragons left a piece of themselves behind and regardless of that, magic flowed freely through the universe.

The Dragon of Magic was called Domonious and they left behind the heart of the great dragon. It was a powerful magical artifact that grew shinning gems filled with pure magic, and the forces of darkness wanted to control it.

Of course, the direct opposite of it existed as well, but that's a story for another time.

The eighth queen of Cristilli, Dia, is, or was, a great fairy who inherited the power to harness the magic of the dragon's heart, and the appearance of those before her. Her hair shimmered under starlight, but her eyes were deep pools of crystal that trapped magic within.

She unlocked her own power facing the near end of her planet at the hands of the Dark Phoenix. Using all she had, she was able to push him back, but the stress caused the premature birth of her second child.

With her home safe, she used the magic of the dragon heart to save the life of her child and in the process, lost her connection to the magic of the dragon's heart.

"Astia, I don't know what to do... Without the crystal heart, I can't use space magic to move the crystals in the kingdom. What if we're attacked again, if the Dark Phoenix returns, the castle... My family won't be safe!" Dia's panicked tears crystilized as they fell, shattering into nothing as they hit the floor.

"Calm yourself Dia, you'll burst at this rate, and frighten our children."

As a witch of darkness and the night, I terrorized her when we were children, but it all changed one day when she saved my life, and I learned to care about someone almost as much as I care about myself. I became the fairy of darkness and the best friend of the crystal fairy. It didn't erase what I had done in the past, but I could atone for my actions by loving her, and all the beautiful things that came with it.

"But Astia, Elos's magic is out of control, the crystal heart is unstable, I can't get in contact with Oritel or Marion, Griffin, Faragonda, Hagon or just anyone in the company of light! Oh what should I do!" Dia was freaking out, which she tended to do often. She was a tad dramatic, but it was a cute dramatic.

"Dia, my dearest sister, I say this in the most respectful way I can. Chill out. If it will make you feel better, I'll cast a protection spell for you... Even stronger than the last."

The way her eyes lit up, it was like fireworks sparked there. "Will you? Really?"

"Of course. But you're baby sitting for the next week."

She smiled, picking up both of our small children. "Deal. I'm sure little Sulfus here will get along well with Elos."

And that was the start of my heavy protection of the planet.

Naturally, time flew by and Domino fell to Valtor and the Ancestral Witches. Dia and I assisted in locking Valtor away in the omega dimension, while the Ancestral Witches were pushed to the Obsidian Realm.

Peace returned to magix after a while, but Dia had a new problem. The crystal heart became unstable, and her youngest began randomly absorbing more and more of its power, it was too much for her small body to handle and so I was tasked with sealing away her magic. Once a year I would go to Cristilli to strengthen the spell, but on her fifth birthday, her power overflowed, unable to be contained by any normal means.

It wouldn't be long before someone with bad intentions would come for her, to use her and the crystal heart for darkness knows what... So I crafted a curse. A curse on my friend's daughter, as well as on the dragon's heart.

Should anything happen to the family of crystal fairies, all traced of their existence would be erased from memory. It would simply be pushed to the backs of people's minds. They would brush by it as if it were nothing but a passing thought.

Though, there were problems with this curse, loopholes and such, I cast it anyway.

"-And so, my son, the fact that we... Well, you now, can't remember anything means that... The fall of Cristilli has happened, and the crystal heart is in danger. "

Sulfus took a moment to process what he had heard. Because of the curse, he lost a lot of important memories that began to come back like a tidal wave.

"Mom.... What happened to Queen Dia?"

Astia's crystals came together, falling into her hands like powerless lumps of rock. She was silent as tears rolled down her face again, and all Sulfus could do was hold her, trying to comfort her from a pain that she'd never forget.

The loss of her best friend.

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