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Val had been acting strange, but then again, so had Reina.

Their bodies struggled to catch up with the seven year lapse, but also, something was taken away from their minds without them noticing. A very important memory, that got them along this painful journey.

"The dragon heart was right in Damien's reach, and yet he lets it get away in favor of the girl... How did this girl get the heart anyway? It only.... Uh..." Reina rubbed her temples, sitting on the top of a rock formation on their hideaway planet.

Val shook her head. "Don't think about it too much, all that matters is that the person who has it caught my younger brother's attention, a little too much."

"Do you think he'll betray you, sister?"

Val looked down at her grimoire, sighing, "I don't even know him anymore. Seven years, and my younger brother became a different person."

Reina crossed her legs, shaking her head. "Yes, that's what aging does, sister."

Together, the two spent time recovering their magic and gaining intel on the past seven years they were away.

A war, kingdoms fallen, magic lost, company separated, implosions.... Seriously, a lot happened in seven years.

"Our goal is still the same. Revive the great dragon and tear magix apart piece by piece." Reina resolved herself to her goals a long time ago, even before she joined hands with Val.

Reina used to be more expressive, definitely calculative, but easily swayed by her emotions. She's ambitious and full of hate, a witch who appeared out of nowhere and made a proposition to another who's goals were similar.

Val, also known as Valkyrie, a fallen fairy who was imprisoned after her she was convicted of attempted murder. Whether she actually did the crime or not didn't matter. Valkyrie had a lot of pride, still does. Pride is just about all she has left.

Val shook her head, tapping her crystal ball. "Yes, our goal... With the power of the great dragon, all those who tormented us will fall to their knees."

Reina smiled, "That's right, sister... And we'll start with the dragon heart. Take your irritation out on that little girl."

"But Damien-"

"Damien is a big boy, he'll live." Reina chuckled. "Besides, it's been so long since we've caused chaos."

"You're right, sister." Val sighed, snapping her fingers causing a shadow gateway to open behind her. "Summon: Red Troll Army."

Out of the gateway walked several trolls with a reddish skin tone. They were burly, hairy, disgusting creatures native to Metra.

Reina clapped her hands, picking up a cloth with a particular scent on it. "They're beautiful, Val! Now, this is the girl you must seek out... Destroy her if she can't be captured alive."

Val smiled at her sister. "If she struggles, they should tear her limb from limb."

"Right? That peasant girl is too cocky, seducing your brother like that." Reina gave the cloth to one of the trolls and they all began sniffing it for the scent.

Reina opened a gateway of her own. "Now go, find her and bring her here."

The trolls matched through the second gateway, following the scent of the specialist they were ordered to hurt down.

Val and Reina laughed together, just imagining how sad it would be, poor Damien and his soon to be broken heart. If he had simply stolen the heart when he had the chance, he wouldn't have to go through this.

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