Glimpse of the Past

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"Princess, you have to let go... I'll be okay!"

Hanging just barely attached to the side of a cave wall, there was a young princess, holding tightly to a jagged rock, which was cutting into her hand.

"No! I got you into this mess Sunny! I'll save you, no matter what!"

Sunny took a deep breath, trying not to tremble too much, but she could feel her hand slipping from the princess's grasp. She was scared, tears streaming down her face at the thought of falling.

There was no way the princess could support the weight of the two of them for much longer. The princess was holding her so desperately, if she just relaxed for a second... It would all be over.

"Prin-.... Elos, I'm sorry for everything. This is all my fault.." Sunny began trying to free her hand, which the princess didn't take kindly too. She only gripped tighter, shouting at her friend.

"Don't you dare let go, Sunny!"

The princess who cries tears of precious jewels had to steel herself, because what she did next would change her friend's life forever.

The rock began to cut into her hand, and she tightly shut her eyes. "Tell my sister that I love her... She'll be an amazing queen." she whispered just before harshly swinging her cousin up to the safety of the high point of the cliff side. Sunny landed with a solid thud, rolling to her side.

By the time she had realized what happened, the princess had fallen into the darkness of the cave.


Her voice echoed in the cave, and for a moment she looked as if she'd go down after her, but what could she do? She was no fairy, her magic was too weak.

"No... Please... Elos.." her voice being drowned out by sobbing, echoing through the empty space.

In the darkness, there were was a faint light, pulsing like a twinkling start. It took Sunny a moment to notice, but the light began shining brighter.

The earth began shaking beneath her and a nother sense of dread washed over her like a wave.

That was when a dragon, a crystal dragon, barreled through the cave with a mighty roar.

Sunny had to cover her ears, she didn't even notice the royal guard running into the cave to save them.

There, in front of the entirety of the royals in the kingdom, the crown princess unlocked the power of enchantix, and so became the youngest fairy in history to unlock it.

Sunny was over the moon that her cousin came back alive, and the dragon that surrounded Elos shattered into millions of shards that sparkled like a diamond rain.

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