First-year Mayhem

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Sometimes I wonder if things would've been different if I hadn't been born. Not saying I'm not thankful for my life, it's just... If I have to listen to people's bullshit all day simply because I came into existence- I think I'd rather not have existed.

"Awe, the little girl is playing dress up!" A boy snickers as I pass them in the hall.

"She should bend over, at least we'll see something nice." They whisper behind me, I can always feel their gaze on my back.

"Do they let anyone enroll now?"

"Some eye-candy for the long road."

"She'll cry after an hour."

"Can't believe they're letting her play here."

"Bet she's one of those lady-boys, disgusting."

On, and on, and on. Constantly, the voices plague me. They take my books, my phantoblade, the pillows off my bed, I'm losing my mind.

Every now and then, I'd get a call from Raf and Urie that would keep me going, but at times... I just snap.

"STOP- STO- ack!"

I stand with my foot firmly in place on my classmate's throat, holding the tip of my spear to, well, let's say he almost lost his future offspring.

I held my hand out, trying to suppress my anger, but I was just so sick of their crap. "Give. It. Back. Now."

For the first time in the two months I've been enrolled, they weren't laughing, pointing, or whispering behind my back. For the first time, they looked pale, scared even.

I don't know how it happened, but a fight broke out in the training arena, and it was me against my classmates. Some day idly by and watched others torment me. They turn a blind eye. Some would take pictures and laugh about it, how are these idiots going to lead, and protect their kingdoms when they have this kind of disgusting attitude?

I always did my best not to use magic so they can't use that as an excuse to say I'm cheating, but after that day, no more.

That was the first incident in which I was called to the headmaster's office.

Four students in critical condition, one had to be sent home, and another had a broken jaw. Maybe I went too far, but it's not like I wasn't hurt. I broke a leg, fractured three ribs, and sprained my wrist from the way I used my spear.

What did they take that set me off?

The las picture I ever took with my sister. Kids can be so cruel. Someone had to teach them some manners.

From that day on, teachers were more strict in watching us. No one stole my things again, but they did still pull small pranks on me. For the most part, I was ignored and left out of group activities, but I never actively made an effort to join them.

The second incident happened four months after the first.

Durning a team excursion, my squad left me alone in the dark forest. Unfortunately, the habitants of the forest didn't take too kindly with the strangers wondering within, and attacked them first.

Instant karma.

The instructor tried to protect them, but he could hardly take care of himself, he couldn't tell what monster was attacking them and therefore, couldn't make a plan.

I, who had been left behind, threw a magic flare to attract the monsters, and led the squad, as well as my instructor to safety.

Why was I called into the office?

"Well, why were you so far away from your group? You should have been there to help them. This attack doesn't seem...."

To be accused of setting up the entire attack.

If it wasn't for my Squad standing up for me at the time, I likely would've gotten expelled. Those three were the first friends I made.

The third incident, and that was the big one, happened when I was training with Helia, one of my best friends in the entire school.

Helia was, and still is, a pacifist and an artist. He adores nature and appreciates the beauty in everything he sees. He's the kindest person, I'm sure he and Raf would get along very well.

After the second incident, Helia became a sort of support for me, as well as a training partner. Though we couldn't be more different, we just clicked.

One day, while we were sparing, some upperclassmen came to pick a fight with Helia, therefore, they came to pick a fight with me as well. Helia didn't want to fight, he never wanted to fight, but I couldn't just take their insults laying down anymore.

To those who say words can't hurt, I hope both sides of the pillow are forever warm.

"Elos, you don't have to do this, it's not your fight." Helia would always try to stop me, he's the headmaster's grandson, even if they talk about him, they'd never actually do anything.

"Helia, they're messing with you, right in front of me. I'm not going to stand by with these jerks mess with my friend. And you would do the same for me."

Helia sighed, then nodded. "You're right... Fine, let's do this."

And the rest was recorded for the school records.

I was called into the head master's office yet again, while no one was actually hurt that time, Helia was dragged into a fight by my direct influence and therefore I am responsible for it.

The blatant discrimination was killing me, and it all came to a head when, others within my class started to speak up.

Even a teacher came to the office to speak on the matter.

It wasn't a lot of people, but the fact that they had my back made me feel... Happy. I had to rush my training simply because of the environment being so hostile, unfit for learning, and frankly, disgusting for any student who isn't a traditional male.

This last incident changed some rules in Red Fountain, and was also the deciding factor in my getting held back a year.

The school didn't change overnight, but it did help.

At least my first year wasn't my last year.

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