Third Year

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Third year already. The begining of the end of my specialist journey.

The summer was spent with my friends, the fairies, witches, and wizards. Sweet threw a party that lasted four days and four nights and we met a ton of new people.

This year will be very different from last year because as a third year, I needed leadership training, and because I needed leadership training, I was assigned a squad to mentor, and that squad came to Sweet's party, along with a very sparkly fairy, my cousin, Stella.

Apparently, Stella blew up something at Alfea and got suspended for the year... Of course she did, she's a brat, always has been a super spoiled daddy's girl... But she is a strong fairy, and I'm really proud of her progress in magic.

Her boyfriend is on the squad I'm meant to watch over, which means she's going to breathe down my neck to make sure I'm not trying anything funny, but why would I try anything? She's seen Sulfus, my beautiful, lovely, sweethearted man, whom I adore, and is literally the most perfect person in all of magix- and she's worried about me hitting on her prince? Come on, Stel.

Other than him, there's a boy that's bound to cause all sorts of issues.

"Riven, you're putting too much pressure on the sword, loosen your grip."

Riven just glared silently at me, continuing to swing his sword however he wanted.

No matter what I said, he never listened, just turned his nose up and basically spit at my feet. He never actually spit, but I could see he was looking down on me.

The other three, especially Sky, followed instructions well, and did attempt to get Riven on board, but it just wasn't happening.

"Sorry about him, he's... He'll come around." Brandon assured me, scratching his cheek as if he wasn't sure himself.

I just rolled my eyes and brushed it off. This wasn't a big deal, the more he rebels the more I want to put him in his place.

"Don't worry about it, Blondie. He'll get his before long." I smiled, then I heard ringing, though it wasn't my phone.

It was Sky's phone, he's my other trainee, and a prince, also Stella's boyfriend I have to be oh so wary of.

"Uh... Captain, is it cool if we take a breather? Something came up." Sky asked, already getting his gear.

I nodded, knowing full well that it was likely Stella who called. "Yeah. Is it bad?"

"Well... Oh, Stella is your cousin right? She's in trouble and-"

I felt my heart stop for a moment. Stella in trouble? That's not new, but it still worried me. Since he looked worried, I only thought the worst.

Stella and I may not be the best of friends... But she'll always be my Sunny.

I picked up my gear, glancing at the group. "Get your shit and get ready to go, boys. This will be our first mission.

The boys somehow managed to grab their things and followed me to the schools portal room

"Timmy, can you work this thing?" Sky asked his teammate, who reminded me of someone actually.

Timmy is a tech-expert. What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for with his brains. Needless to say, he's a lanky kid, especially compared to the other three boys who have muscular builds.

Timmy got his equipment, coming up to the gadget, but not touching it just yet. "Gimme just a second. Um, uh.. c-captain. Ahem, permission to access the module.

"Granted." I nodded, putting in the coordinates just before he opened the gateway. Sky and Brandon asked me for permission to go through the gate before actually going, but Riven just glared at me as he walked on.

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