Everything Right pt.2 (NSFW)

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(this is all you're getting out of me. Good day)

Elos leaned against him threading her fingers in his hair as they laid on the bed together. "Are you gonna be okay, Sulfus?"

The boy lightly brushed his lips over hers, whispering against them. "Of course, all I need is you, El. You have no idea how much I..." He trailed off, getting lost in her jewel-like eyes as he had hundreds of times over. Those enchanting eyes only reflected him, just as full of love as they had been before they were separated. "I love you." He whispered so softly, she almost missed it.

Elos's ears became a soft shade of pink, and she whispered her response in a quiet tone that matched his, "I love you too." Her heart was beating so loudly, she only hoped he couldn't hear it. She missed those words, more than she was willing to admit

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all this before, I just... I didn't think it could get this bad." He cupped her cheeks in his palms, planting a light kiss on her forehead.

Elos smiled at him. "It's okay, I promise. I'm just relieved that it wasn't... What I was thinking." She chuckled to herself.

"What were you thinking?" He asked, moving a hand to her hips and pulling her as close as possible.

"Well... It's stupid, don't worry about it." She looked down, shaking her head.

Sulfus raised an eyebrow. "If it was so stupid, just tell me about it."

She shrugged, muttering, "I thought that maybe you... Got tired of me."

Sulfus froze, his expression twisting with concern. "That is stupid, completely illogical, and literally impossible. I can't believe I made you doubt my feelings, that's totally on me, I should've been much more expressive. I'm not good with words but I could've at least-"

"Shhh." She put her finger on his lips, noticing the panic in his tone. He was about to lose his mind. "I'm sorry, I knew the second I said that, you'd freak."

Sulfus frowned, kissing her finger. "How could you even conjure such an outrageous idea?"

Elos moved her hand down to his chest, tracing the outline of a hickey she had left. "I don't know. It was just a rough time without you."

"I don't know how I should say what I want to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Do you think I didn't have it rough too? It was painful being away from you, love. And the thought that you might leave me never even crossed my mind... Did someone say something to you?" He asked sincerely. Though his question was harsh, it was clear he was just concerned.

She slowly lifted herself up, her hair spilling over her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Sulfus. I don't have an excuse. I promise it won't happen again. No one said anything to me, I was just hurt, and I took it out on myself." She gently stroked his cheek, peering into his golden eyes.

Sulfus leaned towards her hand, placing his hand on top of hers. "El, you're perfect, completely flawless in every way."

Elos giggled, "Babe, I'm glad you think so but you and I both know that's not true."

Sulfus smiled, sitting up as he interlaced their fingers. "You're perfect to me. You always have been and always will be."

Elos couldn't help but smile, her cheeks turning a rosy pink. He normally had trouble expressing himself, when did he get so sweet? It was almost poetic, and was sealed with a kiss. Not as desperate or nearly as aggressive as the first, but a gentle kiss filled with only love for the other.

Sulfus carefully pushed her back down on the bed, letting her hand go in favor of holding her thigh, which she had begun rubbing against his side.

The kiss they shared became more intense as time went on, one of them begining to feel light headed after forgetting to breathe.

Elos gently tugged on his hair to catch her breath, her entire body flushed all over again. "M-my shards..." She panted quietly.

Sulfus got a small box out of the nightstand. "We're gonna need these."

Elos took a deep, stabilizing breath, taking the box out of his hand and grabbing one of the small packages inside. "Yeah, should I put it on for ya." She winked, bringing the pack to her lips and opening it with her teeth.

Sulfus smirked, chuckling, "I don't think I'll last if you do that again."

"You and I both know that's not true." She mumbled under her breath, biting on her inner cheek to stop the heat from rising to her head.

Sulfus took the condom from her, sitting back, giving her a very tantalizing view. He adored her heated gaze, like she just couldn't get enough of marveling at his body.

He rolled the condom on with minimal effort, stroking his length to give her a better visual. He knew just what to do to get a rise out of her.

Elos wrapped her legs around his waist, narrowing her eyes with an inpatient whine. "Sulfus, don't do that to me, it's totally unfair."

"I wouldn't say it's 'unfair'." He cooed, leaning over to brush his lips against her cheek. He teased her with light, playful kisses before slowly sinking into her entrance.

"Fuck-"Elos gasped, her legs tightening around his waist as the families feeling of pleasure ripped through her body. She gripped the pillow above her head, panting as she felt him sinking deeper, and deeper.

Sulfus let out a deep, shaking groan. He hadn't even moved much and she was already clenching so tightly. He wanted to wait for her to say she was fine, but if he had, he probably wouldn't have lasted but a minute. He slowly rocked his hips, earning him the adorable moans of his lover.

Elos tipped her head back, pushing her hips against him as her voice filled the room. Everywhere she could feel him, every inch of her body felt like it was on fire and she absolutely loved it. He'd touch her in just the right places, kissing her neck, and her chest, making those spots hotter than the rest.

"El, give me your hand." He whispered between his own quiet moans, love long caressing her cheek, which was almost as red as fire.

Elos did as requested, taking his hand and interlacing their fingers. The moment she did, their lips met in a tender kiss, muffling both their voices.

As his pace quickened, Elos had trouble concentrating on the kiss, and Sulfus's lips fell to her chin, moaning against her skin.

"J-just a little longer, and I'm s-seriously gonna melt." She moaned sweetly against his ear, her free hand tangled in his hair just needing something to hold onto.

Sulfus appeared to be keeping his cool, but the sound of her voice was more than enough to push him over the edge. She was clenching every time he pulled back, as if she were trying to suck him in, it was all entirely too stimulating, he thought he might've actually been melting.

"Go ahead, love. No use holding back now." He chuckled as best he could, fighting against that heat in the pit of his stomach.

Before she knew it, Elos's body began quivering and her toes curled. She chased the wave that washed over her, eagerly adding to her own pleasure.

Sulfus slowed his movements as she came back down off her high, watching her chest rose and fall as she took heavy breaths. The visual made his member pulse inside her, but he wanted this to last, so he strongly held it together.

Elos separated her legs, giving him more freedom to move, and trying to further entice him. "Sulfus, harder, for real." She breathed.

Something in Sulfus just snapped, what was he holding back for anyway? They both wanted this.

It was a very long, very hot night. It wasn't until they emptied the box that they figured enough was enough. They wore themselves out before the night even truly began.

A beautiful, starless, night.

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