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You sat in your room, wounds and bruises cover most of your body, and so were the person sitting across the sofa from you, Dolores.

Whilst your mother was preparing the herbs and the medicine to help with your pain, you had the unfortunate task of sitting awkwardly close to each other, given the events that had took place before the Casíta broke down.

You'd think that the two of you would still be mad at each other, which you were right to do so, however, helping Dolores get out of the house safely, or die trying, really helped relieve some of the tension between the two of you.

"Oh, what was it you were gonna tell me?" You remembered, catching Dolores' attention with the sudden nature of your voice.

"Wha- Oh that-" The though went back to her mind, she remembered that she hadn't finished her request to you, because of Mirabel's disappearance.

"Ummm.... Okay, there is no easy way to say this but-" Dolores took a deep breath, and she prepared to say the words that she wanted to be freed from her mouth.

"I think we should take a break spending time with each other." Dolores reluctantly muttered, she didn't want to break it to you yet, but you had to know eventually.

"Yeah, I think we should." You even more reluctantly replied, it pained you to accept it but it's the least you could do after the decisions you made.

"Atleast until the Casíta gets rebuilt again." Dolores looked down, and her face turned pale as she was forcing herself to let go of the most important friend she had ever had.

"Sure.. " you nodded, slowly at that, Dolores' pale face transferred to yours and your whole demeanor became much more gloomy, no longer was the jovial and happy-go-lucky artist.

"I've got the medicine here. Watch out, it's hot!" Your mother came into the room with a wooden tray on top of her forearms.

On the tray were different bowls and cups which had alot of things depending on their use. Some were healing paste, and the other were liquid remedies that the folks believed to cure the pain from certain injuries.

Your mother placed the tray on the free space on the table infront of you, just in reach of the two of you.

"Gracias, Señora." Dolores politely nodded, as she placed her hand on the bowl that held the small leaves that would supposedly heal wounds within a day of using.

A better and more fine tuned remedy was yet to be found though, Medicine and Remedies were trully short in the Encanto, because everyone would just rely on Julieta's Arepas. However, now that the Madrigals had each lost their gifts, the healthcare around the encanto would grow even less dependent on just one person to provide them their needed care.

You grab the bowl beside the empty spot that had Dolores' bowl on it, the bowl you picked had remedies for bruising in it, so you decide to apply it first.

As it touched your skin, it irritated the areas around the wound, and it felt like a small burning or poking on the affected areas.

It may be painful to you now, but just remember that it's for your own good.

You continue rubbing your bruises, the skin around them became shinier with every time you slide the paste across it.

You finish putting the paste on your bruises, you wipe your hands on your shirt, removing all the sliminess from your hands.

You and Dolores take turns applying different substances to your wounds, with the combined help from them, your wounds and bruises felt less irritated, and it feels like it was slowly healing.

Just Out Of Reach || doloresxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now