chapter 20 (treaty day and heart broken lovers)

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It was the day I became hokage and the day the peace treaty was being sign by me but most importantly I say goodbye to Sakura for awhile I was heart broken but atless this time I know I'll see you again now in a month but a year that was the agreement I had with the elders I'll train Naruto for a year then I'm free to leave the village by my own accords but I will no longer be a ninja I will become a citizen that is the agreement and I will follow it if it means I'll have her on my side till Death do us part.

"Kakashi-kun?" I turn around from looking out the window to see Sakura standing there but what shocked me was what she wore she had a hokage  Cloak amd hat on.

"S-sakura w-what are you wearing?" She gave a smile and walked up to me.

"Don't you look handsome in your new uniform." She placed her hand on my chest.


"Oh I told you I'm the leader back home what did you think it meant dummy." I gave her a Nod.

"I wasn't thinking this honestly and no it's not because I think little of you it's because I didn't think you of all people were interested in something like this." I watch her smile turn to a frown.

"I'm not but I didn't have much of a choice where I'm from only the royal rules thus is why I'm leader." My eyes rised to this.


"I'll tell you everything you want to know when you come home to me." I said nothing but nod to her.

"Fair um Sakura about that." She looked at me in worry.

"The deal is I have to train Naruto for a year before I can leave the village but once I leave I can no longer be a ninja." She gave a small smile.

" I see is that what you want to be a citizen?"

"Not really but I'll be with you so I'm fine honestly." She shook her head.

"No you will regret it and hate me for it I can't do that too you it's not fair." I smiled under my mask and pulled her to my chest.

"Sigh my dear Blossom I will never hate you I new that something like this will happen and I'm okay with this I want to be with you and if this is that way so be it." She closed her eyes then opened them again but except them being her beautiful emerald green eyes they where yellow I jumped back a little.

" S-sakura what are you?"

"I'm not Sakura my name is Lilith it's time we talk my love."


Time skip to the town center

As I stood in front of the elders and the town people I thought about what that Demon said everything I heard I understood but I was also hurt in someway knowing that Sakura did indeed have a lover beside me I wanted to yell and scream at her once I saw her green eyes return but I stopped myself from doing that as I saw fear in her eyes as she dropped to the ground and cried she just cried then that's when I realized she had no control over what just occur and as anger as I was I knew she needed me more so I pulled her into my arms and let's her cry after hour of her doing so she had seem to tired herself out which led her to sleeping until we were summon to the town hall for the signing which leads to now as both of us stood in front of eachother with the treaty in front of us she looked at me I saw no sparks in her eyes it was as if she wasn't there I understood why she was scared of me of what I would do or say to her once I sign but as much as I'm angry I still love her and I will keep loving her till my last breathe so I did it I signed the treaty smiling threw my mask as we shooked hands and before she pulled away I spoke in only a tone she could hear.

"I love you Sakura." I watched her eye wide as her cheek turn red she looked at me with her wide eye.

"W-what?" Before you leave meet me at my house please." I let go of her hands as she nod her head and stood back as one of the elders walked up to us grabbing the document he held a smile as he spoke.

"After 100 years both the leafe village and the hiden mountains are no longer enemies we are now and forever will be allies that will help eachother whenever help is needed, now let us celebrate this wonderful moment in the center of the town as we host a feast!!!" I watch as everyone cheer and clap following the elders to the center of town I looked over to Sakura to see her talking to her team I grew jealous as I saw that blonde bastard stood next to her I needed to leave the town hall before I did something I'd regret so I walk in the direction of my house to change but was stop half way by kurenai.

"Hey Kakashi I'm back." I turned to her in confusion.

"Um Hello kurenai why are you here shouldn't you be with Guy? "  Except for answering she caught me off guard by slamming her lips on me I was in shocked mod but what got me the most is when I hard her gasp which made me pushed Kurenai off me and turned pulling my mask back on my face my eyes widen in fear.

"K-Kakashi I-I." I watched tears fall down her beautiful emerald green eyes she looked from me back to kurenai I shooked my head from side to side and spoke.

"N-No this is not what it looks like Sakura there nothing going on between me and kurenai she married to -" kurenai cute me off.

"I have been away for a week on my mission and you've been cheating ugh." I turn to kurenai and spoke.

"I've been back from 4 years on the road in only a week kurenai stop messing around!!!" I heard Sakura give out an inhumane voice which I quickly turn to her to see her eyes yellow.

"Sakura please listen to me I love you and only you I would never lie to you ever please listen to me please." I walked closer to her to see that her eyes kept flickering back and forth from green to yellow until she took fully control making her eyes green but it wasn't full of love it was full heart and pain as I watch her run I try to run after her but she was too fast and was heading in the direction of the gate I knew if she left I wouldn't be able to follow her out no matter how much I want to and love her I wouldn't be able to because it was the deal I make to the elders and for me to keep that deal the bond me to the village for one year if I was ever to leave I'd be sent into a deep sleep so I did the only thing I could do run I ran as fast as I could before it was to Late and man let me tell you I wished I could have made it because once I ran to the gate I  felt all her chakra gone and I new the next 12 months were going to be hell but not as much ad it will be once im able to leave this village to go to her and trust me on my word I Kakashi Hatake won't rest till I get the girl I love back in my arms and that a promise.

End of book 1

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