Chapter 9 ( 4 days left into the treaty and the Uchiha twins )

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Sasuke point of view (In the Hokage office)

"So both Sakura and her brother have been gone since yesterday and you don't know why?" I gave out a small nod I didn't tell her about Sakura real identity because like I said I wouldn't tell anyone it but I did tell her that both her and her brother left the house in a hurry.

"Do you know why she left Uchiha?"

"No lady Hokage I do that." I stood there with my team by myside as the Hokage had her palm on the side of her face thinking.

"I see I'm going to need you too keep an eye on the other very clearly and be on your guard on all time you four."


"Your all dismissed." After we left her office Karin was glaring at me.

"What do you want Karin?"

"I've know you for years now I know when you are hiding something spill now." I rolled my eyes as we exit the building.

"Your over reacting like always Karin."

"No I'm not don't think we haven't seen anything you been getting close to her and the team has seen it so now you mind telling what you are hiding?"

"I made a promise and I'm keeping my word."

"Sasuke were supposed to proving to them that were loyal to the village."

"Yes and I am proving them but you have to remember Karin I've known Sakura since I was a kid and I know her inside out trust me when I saw this no matter how she may be now she still not a threat to anyone her heart is to pure to be cruel."

"Sigh if you say so then we'll take your world for it Sasuke but if-"

"Don't worry I have told her already and if she does turn on the village I'll be the one to end her life and only I will do it." I said lying of Couse I would kill her she meant a lot to my brother and I already took so much from her so the only thing I can do is protect her with my life.

"I see then were behind you then." I gave her a nod.

"You guys can go now I have to go meet up with Naruto for lunch." I turn from the 3 of them and walk to the ramen shop where Naruto was waiting for me I sat on a stole next to him and turn to see him smiling at me with that big stupid grin of his.

"Hey teme you came cool I didn't think you would." I gave my bestfriend a smile and order miso soup.

"Yes Baka I can what did you want anyways?"

"Sigh I need help"

"And you need me for what?"

"Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you don't know what to do with all the feeling that keeps growing inside of you."

"No not really but I can imagine why do you ask?"

"I think I'm in love." I look to him to see him staring at his untouched bowl of Ramon.

"Then tell the person that your in love with them Baka."

"H-How can I do that."

"Simple just go to the person and say 'I'm in love with you.' its not that hard to say." I said as I finished the last of my miso soup I stood up and left the money on the counter and place my hand on the back of Naruto's back.

"You never no what will happen if you don't try so go for it all the could happen is that she will turn you done and if that happens you just need to move on alright later Naruto." I left the ramon shop and head to the main gate I don't know why but something was telling me to go there as I made it to the front gate I was greeted by the gate keepers.

"What brings you here Uchiha?"

"Don't know Just had this feeling that I should be here."

"I see Uch-"

"Aaaaah no Tobi a good boy no leave me!!!" I turn my head to see that Sakura team mates were all siting near a three out side the gates I was curious so I walk over to them to see that they were having what I'm guessing was a picnic.

"Akatsuki what are you doing?"

"Can't you see were having a small picnic and due to the fact that we cant do this in the grounds of the village without someone glaring are way when we walk we are doing it out side of the village is there a problem with that baby Uchiha." Pain said as he pulled Konan closer to his body.

"What are you doing here anyways."

"Something told me to come here."

"Aahhh No Tobi a good boy no stop it!!!!" I turn my head to the side to see Tobi running away from Kisame with his sword ready to attack him at any minuet.

"Um should you guys do anything?"

"No nothing can be help with those two beside- omg there back!!!" I saw Konan pulled away from Pain jumped up and ran pass me when I turned my head and what I saw shock me making my eyes go wide It was sakura and her brother but what shock me was that there were two babies with them one had dark black hair and the other had pink hair I stood were I was frozen in place into she walk to me with a shy smile.

"Sasuke meet your niece and nephew Sarada and Fugaku Uchiha."

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