Chapter 2

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Sasuke Uchiha

"Granny Hokage why are we here Im hungry."

"Shut up dobe."I looked at Naruto giving him my glare.

"Well I called all of you here because I want you all to be on your best behavior we are important guest and I don't want any problems to occur when they come here."

"Who?" I heard Kakashi say as I saw him walk in the room through the window.

"Late as always Hatake."

"Well you see there was-"

"Save it we heard all you excuses."

"Heehee."Sigh you would think that over the years he would have change.

"So at the end of this week were going to the Akatsuki-" Naruto jumped from where he was sitting at and cut her off.


"SHUT IT!!!!" Naruto sat in his chair so fast it brought humor to me to my inside.

"Now as I was saying The Akatsuki are coming here later today i'm not sure when the will get here but they are coming now I want you two on your best behavior no causing fights Naruto and sasuke I mean it they are the ones who wanted this peace treaty i still don't know why they do I I do think that they may be up to something but I'm going to let that leave my head for now but if he so much of slip once then i'll let you kill them but for now you will be on your best behavior is that clear boys?"

"Hump okay granny hokage but if i see them hurt someone i'll kill those bastard myself."

'Sasuke is that clear to you?"

"I have nothing against them they didn't do anything to me." Which was true they didnt do anything to me.

"Good now-" The door burst open to reveal a out of breath lee.

"T-there here lord Hokage."

"Alright let's go."


We got to the gate to hear yelling coming from the gate guards.

"You have no business here leave now or we will kill you all!!"

"Tobi told you already we come on business Tobi tell the truth Tobi never lies.!!!"

"I d-"

"What the hell is going on here let them pass you stupid old man."

"L-lady Hokage we were just doing our-"

"Zip it they are are guest."I watch the guards lower there weapon at the Akatsuki.

"My apologies."

"Sorry about that now I see you are all here so my guess is that on of you're the leader?"

"Well about that."

"You see our leader disappeared on us an hour ago so we have no clue where she went for all we know she probably here already."

"She you only have one female in the group if in not mistaking her names konan?"Kakashi said from behind me

"HA no I was the only girl but now that Sasori younger sister join our group we have two girls hee." I watch as all the Akatsuki looked to her and gave her a glare.

"Oops sorry I forgot I'll shut it now heehee."

"Sigh I miss sakura." I heard Naruto say in a low voice.

"Hn who needs that weakling she probably dead already and good ridends to that she was annoying anyways." I watched everyone turn to me some had anger others had agree with me written on there face.

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