Chapter 8 ( 5 days left to the sign of the treaty)

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Sakura point of view

When I woke up I woke up to light in my eyes and an empty room I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. As I was rubbing my eyes there was a knock on the door I quickly got off my bed and grabbed my robe and threw it on hiding my uchiha clan mark then I made my way to the door and opened up to see Sasuke at the door giving me a gentle smile.


"Oh Hi."

"Nice pj." I looked down to see even tho I hid my family clan mark I swas sil wearing the colors I rolled my eyes at him.

"Only you, My brother and group could tell but anyways what do you want?"

"Well the others are gone to go spar and I was told to watch you from the old hag so I thought maybe we can talk."

"Wow that was the most I heard come out of your mouth must of been hard to do that." He rolled his eyes and push me out the way walking into the room and dropped on the bed I just shook my head and closed the door and turn to him.

"There call privacy for a reason you know."

"Yeah well what are family for."

"Sigh your a pain just like your brother Itachi"

"I know that look it's the same look that Naruto gives when he out of ramon."

"What look?"

"Tell me the truth what happened between the two of you sakura tell me I see that your ready to break out in tears after my brothers name." I made my way to the bed and sat down bringing my knees to my chest.

"Sigh do you really want to know?"

"I do if I didn't I wouldn't have ask Sakura." I gave a nod and pulled out Itachi last note to me that I found from him after he knocked me out from under my pillow and gave it to Sasuke as I watched him read it his face drops.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know sakura if I knew you were with him I-I."

"It's okay you didn't know." I Turned my head away from him.

"From the way you first acted when you saw me you had hate in your eyes and something tells me that there something else your hiding something." I turned my head to him and gave a faint smile and nodded my head.

"I don't trust you yet sasuke just because we are from the same clan I still don't trust you enough yet know matter what you say I know you are only loyal to the village ha you have no idea how much you and your brother are alike."

"Sakura sigh w-what i I left with you when you leave what would you think of that?" I turn my head to him.

"Sasuke you wouldn't leave the village it's your home it's where you belong at it's what your brother wanted for you."

"Sigh sakura my home is my family my clan that's my home you are my home and so is that annoying brother of yours god he reminds me of -"

"Naruto in away you have no idea sigh but Sasuke don't leave your village this is your real home not me and not my brother are my group trust me once you find out the truth of me even you will leave."

"Sigh no I won't leave you not after everything I did to you."

"Sasuke I'm not like I'm not like the other Uchihas not one bit I mean look at me I don't look like any of you guys that's why it was easy for me to be hidden and that what makes me even more different ha what Uchiha has pink hair and green eyes and have you seen my brother were not normal so before you think of getting close don't I have to much to deal with I don't need anymore." next thing I knew I was pulled into a hard chest.

"Sigh we all have are own demons to fight and I know that better than anyone but im not going to abandon you again and after everything I did to you i'm sorry for it all but trust my words on this when you leave at the end of the week I'll go with you."

"There no stopping you on that is there?"


"Sigh fine but ther-" Before I could say anything Deidara brust throw the door out of breathe I pulled from Sasuke chest and looked to him.


"Y-You have to go back to the house n-now."

"Why what's wrong?"

"It's Fugaku and Sarada t-they needs you now." I quickly got off the bed grabbed my clothes and trew thom on and jumped out the window ignoring sasuke yelling after me I need to get home now thats all that matters right now.

Sasuke point of view

After I saw sakura get dress and jump out the window I called after her but she ignored my yell I turn to Deidara to get answer and from what I just heard him say he said my father's name.


"You'll find out when she gets back trust me on that but also keep your mind open and control your team mates i'm sure one of them won't like what they will find out little Uchiha boy."

Deidara point of view

After the small take to the little Uchiha boy I walked to where my other teammates were at and told them the news Sasori to also ran out the house after his sister.

"Sigh I hope everything is okay with the kids if not blossom gonna kill the sitter." Pain said as he sat down next to Konan.

"Sigh let's hope for the best dear." Konan answer him back with a smile. As I turn my head to look out the window.

"Sigh let's hope for the best." Be careful you four be safe.

................................................................ To be continue 

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