Chapter 5

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Sakura point of view

"Sweet as Sugar

Hard as Ice

Hurt me once

I'll kill you twice."

I started to sing as I sat in the blossom trees that I used to come to when i live in the village all those years ago singing always come me down and right now I need it.

"Don't ruin a good today.

By thinking about a bad yesterday.

Let it go."

I smelled my brother nearby of course he had to come look for me.

"Making a big life change is pretty scary.

But know what's even scarier?"

"Regret Yeah I know that trick of your Onisan (Big brother)."I looked to my side to see my brother Sasori He gave me a smile.

"I think you should try atless you don't always have to put on a cold personality."

"I think I will pass beside what's the point it's useless trying to fall in love again."

"Sigh you are just like in you know that no matter how I ignore it your just like father you never show your weakness to outsider you truly are an U-"

"Don't finish that line I smell four ninja are nearby hiding."

"Sigh I see she has us being watched."

"Yeah guess she doesn't trust us."

"Yeah and I think it's time for us to start using our real name don't you think?"

"I don't know."

"Sigh you want to play again I know you love games Imoto(Little sister)"

"OO and what do you have in mind Onisan (Big brother)?" He gave me a look then looked out to the threes around us I gave a smile as I knew what he had in mind.

"Haha that sounds fun Onisan (Big brother)." We both jumped down from the cherry blossom tree and faced each other I then smirk and disappeared and reappeared right behind one of the anbu I bit into his ear making him jump and fall to the ground i looked down at him and smirk as my brother Appeared right beside me.

"Awe you maybe able to hide your chakra but I can smell you Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino and of course I can't forget about you too Akamaru." I looked down at Kiba to see he had removed his mask and his face was bright red.


"Curiosity killed that cat Kiba now stop following me around and tell the old hag to stop this nonsense i'm sure she has paperwork to do now run along dog boy i'm in no mood for anyone else to day." I gave him a look and I knew my eyes were turning red because his eyes went wide I ignored it and walk the other.

" Imoto(Little sister)"

"Don't worry i'll back later just going for a run."


Kiba point of View

"Ha sorry about that Sakura can take thing to far sometimes but she is right you need to stop following us were not a threat trust my word on that and I never go back on my words and kiba that's your name right?" I gave the red head a nod.

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