Chapter 7(countdown 6 days left part one)

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Sakura point of view

When I woke up I woke up in the arms Of Deidara and to him crying in his sleep I slowly sat up and shook him awake he woke up but slammed me against the bed.

"D-Deidara it's me s-stop it's me!!!" I watched him open his eyes when he saw that it was me under him he quickly let go of me and fell back on his back and closed his eyes trying to even out his breathing.

"De are you okay?"

"Y-yeah sorry Blossom I'm Just mmm."

"I know it's okay You thought I was one of them." I watched him sit up and laid his head on my shoulder his breathing started to slow down.

"De don't worry were only here for 6 more days."

"I-I know and I can't wait to get back home hmm Sa-ku-ra you smell good."



"What to spar?"

"Ha ha Tobi want to play shall we let him join?"

"Later but I want to spar with you so can we spar?"

"Haha sure let's get ready shall we."


Deidara point of view  

As we made our way out the house I watched Sakura lead me to some training ground I started to watch the way Sakura walk her long pink her swaying back and forth as it reached her knee and she had the perfect curves in just the right places. Sigh if only I could make her mind but I know deep down I can't i'm not the one who holds her heart the first man she loves betrayed her and the second man she loved is now six feet under i'm surprised the lit-

"Hey Deidara stop spacing out let's fight already." I was cut off out of my thoughts by a now amused pink hair girl I rolled my eyes at her as I got into fighting stance.

"Ready to lose pinky."

"Oh In your dreams barbie." She threw on the famous Uchiha smirk I threw her a glare as I heard what she called me.

"Oo did I hit a nerve does the blonde barbie doll want his mommy."

"Oh I'm going to whip that smirk of your face you damn Uc-" Before I could finish saying what I wanted to say I felt the ground below me shake I jumped back right in time to see that she had made a hole in the ground right where I once stood just a few seconds ago.

"Damn Brat I'll show you."

"Ooo I'm so scarred." I quickly made a bird out of clay and infused my chakra and let it go making it fly to her blowing up in her face which made her give out a loud growl.

"OH now your gonna pay Barbie." Before I could respond or think I was Slammed hard on the ground so hard it knock the daylight out of me luckily I was used to her normal Punches so I didn't knock out from the impact but that didn't mean I didn't grone from the monster strength of hers.

"Damn t-that hurts Blossom." I felt her sit right on me I sat up as I felt her green warm chakra healing me.

"Sorry I really didn't mean to De." I gave her a gentle smile.

"It's okay how do you feel now?" She shook her head from side to side with a smile on her face that I had fallen in love with.

"I feel somewhat better but you shouldn't do that next time the stitches on your arms could have came loses De don't let me put my anger tours you next time okay." I moved a piece of hair out of her face and pushed it behind her ears and lend down placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Im find blossom don't worry I just want you to lose some steam that all now come do you want to get some dangos I saw a snack bar on our way here I'm sure they have some and I know you love them." She started to shake and tears started to run down her face my eyes widened releasing what I just said shit Dangos they they were his favorite Itachi and her used to eat them together all the time. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to my chest rubbing her back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry Blossom I'm sorry I forgot." 

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