Chapter 10(3 days left and poor Sasuke)

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Sasuke point of view

I Was now looking down on the two sleeping kids who laid spread out across the floor. Looking down at them I grew piss not at the two little kids or at Sakura but at myself because of what I did they don't have a father I took there father away from them I repeated history what my brother did to me I did to them-

"Don't beat yourself up it's not your fault you didn't know." I turned my head to see Sasori sitting down beside me.

"Ha ha looking how they are sleeping and you look like you been hit by a tornado they tired you out?" He gave me a smirk.

"Sigh they are a hand full but they did behave what I don't seem to get is how Fugaku has pink hair it's weird Uchiha's they are born wi-"

"Have you forgotten that both My sister and myself are one."

"Hn I guess that would make sense with his hair but you two it's still."

"Yeah but it did help us hide who we are."

"Hn So I'm guessing there still in the hokage office?"

"Sigh yeah Deidara is with her so hopefully she doesn't loss it as for the others they have somethings to take care of back at the base so they won't be here into later."


"What of your team?"

"Krian what shopping as soon as she saw the kids she went baby crazy as for the other two they went sparing."

"And the Hatake?"

"Not sure he may be at the old hags office."

"I see." I watch Sasori turn his head to the kids and gave a smile.

"We should get them off the floor before they get sick." I gave him a nod and stood up and walked over to Sarada and picked her up while Sasori picked up Fugaku then we went to Sakura's room and placed them on the bed throwing the blanket on them.

"You know even if Fugaku looks like Sakura he alot like you and Itachi and while Sarada looks like Itachi she alot like sakura temper and all but she real kind hearted and always try to put a smile on others face, Fugaku on the other hand is the opist to his twin sister yes he will protect both his sister and mother but on the other hand he cold hearted to those who mean little to him and he tense to use his Sharingan like Itachi does when he angry on someone or feel threatened by them even tho he is only 3 year of age he has it Sarada hasn't got her sharingan yet but there no rush in that she still young and even tho she doesn't have them yet her straight is way more stronger than her brothers haha she took down pain not to long ago due to a tantrum it was quite amusing."

"Ha so she has Sakura temper." I look down at the twins and gave them a smile as I pat their heads."


"We should let them be they won't be up for awhile." I gave a nod and followed him out the room turning off the light and closing the door behind me.

Kakashi Point of view Hokage's office

As I was standing in front of the hokage's desk with both Sakura and Deidara They both had on a bored look as Tsunade gave them both glares Sasori was supposed to be here as well but he disappeared before anyone could call for him.

"Sakura I order to to tell me why is it that both you and your brother both disappeared for a couple of days without a word Now Tell me-"

"Shut up old hag your yelling is hurting my ears." I turn my had to Sakura to see that she had both hands over her ears and her eyes shut It really confused me to see her like that when someone yelled.

"Did I just hear right did you just tell me to shut up listen here you brat I can have you and that damn team of yours in jail and have this damn pe-" I heard a loud growling sound come from sakura which made me frozen in my spot.

"I'll say this one last time you bitch if you ever threaten my family again so help me you won't live to see another day and as for the peace treaty it's not your place to end it if I'm not mistaken your title will be given away the day of the signing and the one taking your place has the choice of doing it not you so If I were you I shut the hell up you damn old hag!!" And with that I saw she turn around and walked out the office with blood red eyes and a dark aura.

"Sigh great now I have to go try to restrain her I'll take my leave now Hokage,Hatake sorry for the disturb" I watched the blonde kid bow and walked out the room.


"J-just go Hatake I have work to finish." I gave a bow and left the room as I was Walk out the the building I saw the blond kid Diedara throwing sakura over his shoulder as she try to get away from him I wanted to go over there and pull her away from him but I know if I go over there she would only glare and yell at me sigh I really wish I could just grab her a pull her into a damn kiss and just shower her how sorry I am but I know she hates me and that's all hurts my chest go much because I love her yes I Kakashi Hatake is in love with my former student and now leader of the Akatsuki Sakura Haruno and at this point I don't care who knows.

Deidara point of view

As I chased after Sakura she ignored my call as I yelled after her so I did the only thing I could think of I used my ninja speed and stood in front of her grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder as she try to kick her way out of my grip I keep walking now ignoring her yelling tourse me as I walk torse the house to the kids.



"Put me down now!!"

"You know that voice doesn't scare me Blossom now hush up and listen to me."

"Sigh what do you want barbie!!"

"Ouch that hurts so much." I said rolling my eyes as we got in front of the house.

"You need to comedown blossom please for the sake of the kids who know how much the love you don't let your angry worry them."

"Please put me down." I dropped her on her feet but didn't let her go from my grip.

"S-sorry she just gets so angry and takes over i-i'm sorry Deidara ." I watched her put her head down so I lift it up and looked into her beautiful emeril eyes and gave her a smile.

"Just try to breathe a little more alright and remember i'm here for you." I placed a kiss on her head and pulled her into a hug which she returned.

"Now come on i'm sure those kids have third Uchiha out." I heard her give out a small laugh as she let go of me and walked into the house we both frozen as we enter the house as we stood there staring what was in front of us Hatake walked in and stood beside me with the same frozen look we had.

"Say one word any of you I will end you all is that clear." Sasuke Uchiha was in a bright pink dress with a big bow on his head glaring at the floor while Sasori was just sitting down on the floor with a read dress and a big bow on his head while reading with Fugaku while Sarada was braiding his hair.

"S-Sasuke w-what a-and who are these kids?" Hatake said as both I and sakura burst into laughter.


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