Chapter 13 part 2 (two days to peace treaty and shocking results)

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After I got ready I sat on the bed into the kids were ready as I was waiting Deidara came in the room and sat down beside me I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"A-are you angry at me." He gave out a small laugh.

"Me made at you? Not in a million year blossom, I just don't want you getting hurt by him that's all."

"Hmm I know my wolf she just took over and I gave in."

"I know Sakura it's okay." He wrapped an arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead then stood up I gave him a look.

"Where you going?"

"Gonna shower I'll head down to the park with ya after I'm done." I gave nod and grabbed the kids hands.

"Alright you two come on uncle Deidara will meet us there okay."


"Kay kayyyy!!"


As I was walking Sarada was asking kakashi so may question as he had her on his shoulder. While Fugaku was walking beside me with a bored look I ruffled his pink hair.


"Try to be friendly and don't go using those eyes of yours at kids you hear me young man."

"Sigh yes mother now can I go we seem to be at the park right now." I rolled my eyes a kissed his nose.

"Go on Sarada and behave." Kakashi placed her down on the ground.

"Yes mamma." I watched her run off while Fugaku fallowed behind her walking.

"Sakura?" I turned to kakashi.


"Sigh I know it's to much to ask but I want you to stay after the treaty is signed." I gave him a small smile and turn to my kids.

"As much as I want too I can't I'm a leader and t-this isn't my home anymore It never was I'm from the hidden mountains I have a responsibility there I'm sorry but I can't stay."

"I see." I try not to look at him afraid I'll start to cry.

"Sigh maybe I'll umm." I looked at him.

"Kakashi you wouldn't t-this is your home everyone you care about is here." He gave a smile underneath his mask and placed his hand on the side of my face.

"My home is were you are and I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon My dear Blossom." I felt my face heat up as I felt his lips threw the mask on my forehead.

"You have no idea what your he-" I was cut off my a loud yell which made my ears hurt as I shut my eyes close really quick and placed my hand over my ears as I almost fell to the ground but some grab me before I did.


"I-I'm okay, w-who yelled?" He got quite then have out a low growl.

"Naruto coming this way." I gave out a growl as I heard the blonde idiot yell again.

"Uzumaki is you Yell one more time I swear I'll-"

"Sakura that's enough." I turned around to see Deidara standing there I closed my eyes and leaned into kakashi touch.

"S-sorry I-I." I felt kakashi arms around me.

"Sakura we need to talk tonight." I gave kakashi a small nod as he whispered in my ear.

"Saku-Chan hey!!!" I gave a hiss as he yelled closer.

"Mommy mommy you okay!!!" I looked down to see Sarada looking at me worried while Fugaku gave Uzumaki a glare with his red eyes, Uzumaki just as he saw his eyes.

"S-Sakura h-he looks like you b-but have Sasuke eyes." I looked to Deidara he gave a nod as he pick Fugaku up and placed him on his shoulder and doing the same with Sarada I looked up to Kakashi.

"K-kakashi I want to go h-home." He gave me a smile and picked me up.

"Naruto we'll see you around kid."

"W-wait a minute what's going on you-" that was the last thing I heard before passing out.



After being her to the house I placed her in my room to sleep then I closed the door and walked over to the living room to see the kids in there Fugaku was reading while Sarada was drawing I looked to the side to see Deidara sitting on the coach I sat down next to him.

"She'll be up soon this happened sometime she fine."

"What exactly happened?"

"Ask her maybe she'll say for now I have to go pick up Sarada medicine  you Alright watching the kids?" (Before ya start thinking Sakura doesn't take care of her kids she does they mean the world to her But Deidara takes care of them more in a father way since there real father is well dead, Deidara is there godfather so when Sakura has these moments Deidara steps in into she gets better.)

"Yeah sure." He gave a nod , stood up and walked out a few seconds later the front door was shut close.

" Otosan, Otoson." I looked down to see Sarada standing in front of me with a drawing smiling I gave her a smile and took the picture.

"That's mamma and daddy he's in the sky watching us the that's Fugaku and that and that you Otosan right there next to-" She got cut off by a yell.

"Shut up you baby Otosan is dead and no one can replace him so don't call him something he's not!!" I watch him run out the living room and up the down the hall slamming the door I looked back to Sarada to see her crying I wiped her face.

"Shh it's okay you can call me whatever you want little flower now draw another picture for your  mamma before she wakes up okay imma talk to your brother." She nod her head and gave a smile walking off, I stood up and walked over to the room Fugaku was and opened the door to see him sitting on the bed crying once he saw me he wiped his tears and send me a glare I gave out a small laugh as I walked in and sat next to him.

"Kiddo she your sister you shouldn't hurt her you made her cry, look I know I'm not your real father but I want you to know kiddo that I don't plan on leaving your mom I've loved her for a long time and I don't plan on hurting her you have my word kid."

"It's not that it's just I never knew my dad mom said he died before she could even tell him about us she said it hurts her and Sarada she doesn't get anything mom says she just doing what kids do." I gave out a small laugh.

"Well Do you know who your father is?" He gave me a nod.

"Mother said he was the former leader she said even though father was cold hearted to those around him he only let mother see his real self she said Father was a hero." I gave a smile.

"Yes he was and he was a great ninja she would have been proud of you Fugaku."

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