Chapter 14 part 3 (two days to peace treaty and shocking results)

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(Alright everyone sorry it took long but here you guys go and here a note from the writer until Further notice I will only be updating this story from back to back till its finsh I'm giving you all that as a heads up I know I haven't been updating much I've got school and work so it's crazy so I have came up with a way to give you all what you want so I'll be finishing my open story that are not done and if some of you noticed I have pulled a more then he my books down no I'm not getting rid of them I'm just going to fix then since I'm older now my writing has gotten why better then 13 years ago and I want to fix it so before I end this story I want you all to think of which one I'll finish off after this book is done now I send love to all of you  thank you all for being so patient.)



As I opened my eyes I jumped up looking around for the kids but I come down as soon as I realize that I was in Kakashi room I laid down back after hearing Sarada giggles while Deidara yelling to her to slow down.

"Someone's finally up I see." I jumped up again as I heard a deep voice.


"Hey love are you alright." I felt a hand on the side of my face.


"Are you finally tell me what's going on with you?"

"I-I can't I-I'm scared."

"Of what."

"Losing you again." He pulled his mask down and kissed my lips then my nose down to my neck and pushed my down against the bed making me giggle.

"I'm not planning on letting you go my love." I closed my eyes and reopened them up revealing my sharingan his eyes widen.

"Your eyes there the same as."


"Sakura your an Uchiha aren't you?" 

"I-I umm y-yes." I shut my eyes closed scared to look at him. Ha me scared that's a first beside anyone hurting my kids this felt different and that scared me.

"Sigh Sakura look at me." I slowly opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"I love you no matter what and I'm happy your being truthful with me I promise I won't tell anyone into your ready too." 


"Sigh I broke your trust once i'm not doing that again." I gave a smile as i pulled pulled him down into a kiss.

"Hmm I've been thinking."


"We should go out and eat me you and the two little ones." I gave him a smirk and flip him over onto his back climbing over him.

"Oh is someone playing daddy?" He send me a smirk and flipped me back on my back.

"Oh I'm not playing daddy but I can play daddy for you my blossom." My face heat up as his tong hit my neck.

"S-stop it no fair." I felt him smirk.

"What's the matter Sa-ku-ra can't take the heat." He said whispering in my ear.


"I joking love come on lets shower, you alright with that?"

"Y-Yeah sure."


After the shower Kakashi took both me and the kids out to eat They kids were enjoying themself which made me happy of course but something felt off like were being watch it had me on my guard and there was no way i was letting it down.

"Sakura whats wrong?" My head snapped up at kakashi.

"Someones watching us." I watch him closely as he looked around he looked back at me.

"Ambu there watching." I gave him a glare.

"I have nothing to do with what the hokag is doing I promise you blossom."

"If I find out you have anything to do with it or you hurt my family I wont hesitate to end you or the others I am honest about how I want the peace treaty but if any harm comes to my family I wont hesitate you understand kakaish."

"Blossom trust me When I say this you mean this world to me I broke your trust once I wont do it again plus the moment you came back was the moment that they lost faith in me they don't tell me things anymore they know that I'll jump in front of you they know my loyalty is with you my love and only you I mean it they don't trust me anymore not since you've been back." My eyes soften as he said that I didn't say anything I just turn my head back to my kids Fugaku was no where to be seen this got me in both panic mode and made my wolf go crazy.

"F-Fugaku!!" I felt Kakashi hand on my back.

"Sakura over there." He pointed to my son who was in front of the old hag I quickly walked over to him and pushing him behind me.

"Can I help you Tsunade?" I said giving her a hard stare as she looked down at my son with wide eyes.


As I watched Sakura stare down the hokage I picked up Sarada grom the ground and placed her on my shoulder walking where the two women's stood.

"Lady Hokage is there a problem here we were just heading back home?" I took my free hand a grabbed Fugaku hand he squeezed my hand telling me he understood I gave a smile under my mask.

"I-um yes who are these two Sakura they look like yo-" Sakura cut her off anger I may say.

"That's none of your concerns and I appreciate it if you have your watch dog go away."

"I don't know what you mean."  Sakura gave out a small laugh which made Sarada on my shoulder shake and Fugaku look up at me with a look I looked down on him and rifled his hair  Assuring him I got it.

"Sakura let's go." She turn my way giving me a glare I then moved my eyes to the kids this got her eyes to soften and give me a nod. She turned back to Tsunade.

"The Ambu's make them go away if I see them or feel them again it won't be pretty." And with that she took Fugaku hand from me and began to walk I soon followed but not before getting called.

"Kakashi I thought you be better then this I turn to her with a blank stare as I answer her.

" Why is that? I know no one trust me anymore. I'm not going to bother try if there is no point." She shook her head.

"Your a ninja your duty is to the village not her." I pulled Sarada off my shoulder and moved her to my hip giving her a smile as she placed her hands on my face giving me a warm heart smile.

"My duty is to my family I love her and that's not going to change but you knew that already it's why you have others watching them Tsunade for what ever reason you have there yours but do male me choose you won't like the outcome of it."

"What will you do when she leaves will you leave your family and friends here?" I looked back to her.

"My family is all dead and my  Comrades will understand my choice." She gave me a confused look.

"What choice have you made?" I gave her my honest answer which I knew she would hate.

"When she signs the treaty I'm leaving with them and there nothing you or anyone can do about that, that my answer."

To Be Continued..........

P.s please don't forget to follow my account thank you 😊

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