Chapter 2

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"Summer vacation is so close! I can't wait" Soonyoung exclaimed. "I know right. My parents has already planned a vacation to China. I'm going back to my hometown" Jun added. "My parents and I are going to our beach house once class ends, in fact, they want all of you guys to come and stay for just a couple of days" Wonwoo stated. "Of course we'll go! We would never miss a free vacation" Chan and Vernon replied. The group walked in the hallways, making their way towards their quiet friend, stuffing his extra stuff in his locker.

"Hey, Cheol!" Jun brought his arms around Seungcheol and side hugged him. "Hey, guys" Seungcheol replied. "We were just talking about our plans for summer. What about you, do you have any plans for summer?" Soonyoung asked. "We haven't really planned anything yet. Summer vacation is still a long way, you know" Seungcheol replied. "Plus, today's the day our professor will announce the final project we'll have in IT. You know how important that project is, its basically half of our grade" He added.

"Oh, come on, Cheol. You master computer so well, why worry about it?" Jun groaned at his nerdy hyung. "He's right, hyung. You should liven up a bit. We only live once" Chan exclaimed. "I am living my life and I'm just worried about the final project we have. Plus, I don't think my parents has plans for summer. They're too busy for it" He replied. It's really sad for him that he's never really experienced having fun with his parents. A lot would expect that someone as rich as Seungcheol would be so boastful and happy but that wasn't the case for him. He does enjoy the wealth and getting everything he wants. But growing up, his parents was never really there for him. They were too busy for him. His friends are aware of that and it's the reason why they try to at least let him have fun with them.

"If you don't really have any plans for summer, just come with us and we can spend our summer with Wonwoo's family in their beach house" Vernon suggested. "Yeah! Mr. and Mrs. Jeon doesn't seem to mind having us their with them. Right, Wonwoo?" Soonyoung added, eyeing Wonwoo for approval. "Yes, mom and dad would love it if you're there. They've been wanting to meet you for so long" Wonwoo agreed.

Contemplating on the decision, Seungcheol thought deep. He haven't met his other friend's parents other than Soonyoung's and it's difficult for him to make a decision. He suffers a social anxiety and afraid of meeting other people face to face. "I guess that would be fun" Seungcheol replied. It might be difficult but he really does need to come out of his comfort zone and be more social.

"Yay!" The group celebrated. It's very rare for their hyung to agree in any of their hang outs. They are aware of how unsocial Seungcheol is in fact it took quite a while for the others to befriend him. At first, some of them got tired of earning his trust but Soonyoung, a childhood friend of Seungcheol made them patient. They understood his situation and was patient of him. They respect Seungcheol so much because despite being the quiet and unexpressive in their group, he has helped them in every way.

Jun wouldn't be in the second year if it wasn't for Seungcheol becoming his patient tutor, Chan and Vernon survived bullying because of their hyung helping them with his wealth and Wonwoo would've been imprisoned now if Seungcheol didn't decide to defend him from false accusations of drugs. He might be quiet and unexpressive but he is thoughtful and generous.

The six men made their way towards their class as happy as they can be. Seungcheol glanced towards one of the most famous friend group in their school in which Seungcheol was surprised to see. He never took interest in any popular students as he doesn't care about them but this particular group will always catch his attention. Not because this is a group of extraordinary and wealthy men but because of their said leader. The one who rise above anyone.

Ever since the first year of highschool, Seungcheol would always observe the famous student from afar. He would feel all warm inside whenever the student would walk by him and if he's lucky, he would wink at him. To him, Yoon Jeonghan might look like the womanizer type or the spoiled child, but he knows and it is obvious that Jeonghan is an angel. A cunning angel.

A smart, magnificent, beautiful and cunning angel. His been giving away signs how much he likes the student but he doesn't have the confidence to confront him and confess. Especially when the day came Jeonghan announced that he is already in a relationship with pretty girl. That broke him but he doesn't really have the right to.

But unusually for the student, Seungcheol noticed the frown in Jeonghan's face. "Hey, Jun. Look at Jeonghan, doesn't he seem sad to you?" He asked Jun, and they all glanced towards the academy prince. "Yeah, he kinda looks like it" Jun replied. "Maybe he just decided to be quiet. It's a good change" Wonwoo added which made the group laugh.

They are aware of Jeonghan's personality of being loud and proud everytime. But of course, it is still unusual for someone like Jeonghan to be this gloomy and quiet. "What do you think is the reason?" Seungcheol asked his friends. "Well, this doesn't happen to often so it's really hard to say" Vernon replied.

"Someone's worried for their love" Soonyoung teased. "Shut up, Soonyoung" Seungcheol giggled. All of his friends are aware of his identity and his feelings towards Jeonghan, fortunately for him, they accept him as some of them does have the same preferences in terms of partners.

"Look at Jihoon, quiet and adorable as always" Soonyoung sparkled. "Yeah, speaking of, hyung. Did you ask him out yet?" Chan asked. "I have, many times but it's not easy cracking that cold ice. But I am very determined and I will do my best to crack that ice and chisel it" Soonyoung spoke with motivation.

It's not just Seungcheol who's attracted to one of the members of this elite group but also his friends as well. Soonyoung and Jihoon met years ago in elementary and since then, Soonyoung would always follow the boy around. As for Wonwoo, he has a thing for tall guys and it's not surprising that he would fall for the hottest guy in school. As for Jun, he met Minghao back in their hometown and they went to this school together. No one is aware of it but the two have been dating secretly. As for Vernon, he has his own attachment to Seungkwan. While Chan is too focused on himself to get attracted by anyone else for now.

"You're hopeless" Jun laughed. "You're one to talk" Wonwoo snickered. Jun just laughed in response knowing he is above his friends as of now. Him and Minghao has been dating for quite a while but Minghao said that he isn't ready to announce their relationship yet to the open and Jun respects that.

The group decided to start minding their own business as they wait for their adviser. But Seungcheol was still focused to the boy. It really isn't everyday he see his crush this quiet and it worries him too much. Observing Jeonghan from afar, he noticed the other men surrounding Jeonghan which he assumes are asking Jeonghan what happened to him.

Though he claims he wasn't eavesdropping, he heard something about Jeonghan's current girlfriend. "Sowon and I broke up" Seungcheol's world suddenly stopped. Different feelings ran through his body. Feelings of unexplainable happiness, sadness, guilt and pity yet still excited knowing he might have a chance. Jun and so are the others gasped in shocked and eyed Seungcheol, excited for him.

"You heard that, Cheol?" Jun asked, smiling towards Seungcheol. "What?" He replied as if he did not hear what Jeonghan said. "You finally have a chance on him!" Jun shouted at the older guy.

"I really don't think so. We're not sure if he's even interested in men. It's better to leave him alone instead of suddenly making a move as if I've been waiting for him and Sowon to break up" Seungcheol turned his back away as their adviser arrived.


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