Chapter 17

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Jihoon took a deep breath as cold air swift past him, his hair a mess yet in style. The raven haired sighed as he leaned towards the metal fence guiding the line towards the mini coaster. "Woah! Jihoon, you sure you can handle that?" Soonyoung spoke, ruffling Jihoon's hair as he clung onto his shoulders, watching the mini coaster speed up as people shrieked.

The raven haired let out another sigh, a long, exhausted sigh. Of course it wasn't just him waiting in this line. Soonyoung was with him. "The ride is not that extreme" Jihoon replied with a cold tone, pushing the blonde off of him. No matter how long he's known the boy, he still couldn't get used to his clingy personality. But Jihoon would never deny the fact that Soonyoung gives him the most comforting feeling amongst everyone. Something he'd never admit knowing it'll just go straight to the latter's head.

"Aww stop acting so cold now" Soonyoung paused as he hugged the smaller one again, tighter this time. "Everyone's on their own with their partners and crushes. It's just us. Let's enjoy the night freely, please?" He added, leaning close to Jihoon's face as he gave him eyes begging the other.

"There you go again with your puppy eyes and pouting lips" Jihoon mumbled as he pushed the blonde's face away from him, blushing at the sight. Soonyoung felt himself fall as Jihoon denied his request only for the other to hold his hand without glancing at him at all. "Aww!" Soonyoung shouted as he grabbed Jihoon's hand close to his lips, kissing the back of the raven's palms. "Stop it" Jihoon stuttered, rolling his eyes.

The truth is, Soonyoung's been following Jihoon since middle school, pestering him to be his boyfriend. It annoyed Jihoon at first, he hated every moment of it. He ignored the blonde in his every attempt to woo Jihoon hoping that he'll give up, or knowing the Soonyoung would come to his senses and give up. After all, who could even endure his cold and short-tempered personality. But every ice wall melts on warm sunny day. It came unexpected to him when they turned high school. Soonyoung followed him to Pledis Academy, still the same persistent boy that he met in middle school. That was the first time Jihoon felt so loved. Someone actually stuck by despite his personality. Of course, the day did come when he gave Soonyoung the chance to date him. He hasn't really answered him properly, he was still afraid that he might be too much to Soonyoung or if being in a relationship was too much for him. But he would never deny the fact that he loves Soonyoung. He's just waiting for the right time to say it. Say yes. After all, no one has ever stayed this long just to be with him.

"Come on, Jihoonie! It's our turn" Soonyoung dragged the younger with him as they sat down on the mini coaster. "Wooh!" Soonyoung cheered as he brought his hand up in the air. The straps locking him down. "Quiet, it hasn't even started yet" Jihoon spoke, his voice shaking a little. It may not be obvious due to his cold upbringing, but rides like this scares him. Though he would never show it or even admit it.

The mini coaster started to move, shaking as it slowly rose to the top. Jihoon closed his tightly, clenching on the metal handle. Starting to sweat cold, his body cooling from the cold wind hitting his skin. Sounds becoming inaudible as people started to scream and cheer in anticipation to the sudden speed and drop that was about to come. While Soonyoung on the other hand raised his hand in the air getting ready for the big drop. Until he noticed Jihoon who's anxiety planted on him.

With a gentle smile and touch, he held Jihoon's hand and started to shout again. The coaster then suddenly dropped in speed, spinning and turning them upside down. Soonyoung glanced at Jihoon who kept quiet, eyes and mouth shut. "Jihoon! Shout! You'll faint!" He yelled, loud enough for the boy beside him to hear.

As Jihoon held tightly onto Soonyoung's hand, the coaster started to slow again reaching the top for another spin, this time screaming his lungs out as the ride sped up double than the first spin.

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