Chapter 16

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A strong gust of wind hit Seungcheol's skin, sending chills down his spine. He exhaled as his feet swung, feeling all sweaty and nervous, refusing to open his eyes. He couldn't remember what pushed him to do something so terrifying, he couldn't even remember how he got into the position where he is now. Of course, he wouldn't be able to think properly when he's about to go 40 meters off the ground.

"Wow! I haven't been here in a long time!" Seungkwan exclaimed. The groups all spoke in awe as they exited their cars. "Yeah. They really stepped up their game" Seokmin added.

They exited their cars one by one, as they agreed to arrive in their own vehicles with their drivers for no issue. Right now, Seungcheol is behind Wonwoo, trying to go unnoticed as Jeonghan's friends arrived as well. Seungcheol has met the others, especially Jihoon who was close with Soonyoung but it always terrified the boy to meet other people who has a status of a celebrity as if he isn't from the richest clan in the country.

"Hi guys!" Mingyu exclaimed as he glanced towards Wonwoo while the other looked away, blushing. Receiving looks from his friends in the process.

"Jeonghan and Jisoo will arrive soon. He said we should just meet up near the food court" Jihoon spoke with the others agreeing. "Come on, Jihoonie!" Soonyoung exclaimed dragging Jihoon with him as they entered the amusement park.

Seungcheol smiled at the sight, even if the two denies the relationship between them, Seungcheol just knows something was between the two.

Moments later, Jeonghan and Jisoo arrived. "Sorry guys, we're late!" A soft voice shouted from a distance. Seungcheol took his eyes off the drink sitting in front of his and glanced towards where the voice came from.

And as if the world stopped, the surroundings blurred, his eyes started to focus on Jeonghan. His blonde hair, gracefully falling on his face everytime he takes a step. While his red lips becomes more noticeable from the paleness of his smooth skin as he smile. Jeonghan's denim jacket fitted him perfectly. Despite it being oversized, it clung onto his figure as if it was designed for him.

Seungcheol gulped, feeling butterflies flying around his stomach, with every breath he took, it made it seem the butterflies weren't just flying around his stomach but reaching his heart, spine and brain. He couldn't feel anything but the cool air the night emits warmed as Jeonghan approached him.

"Jeonghan!" The others exclaimed in joy, standing up to approach him, shaking Seungcheol out of his thoughts. "Well! The night is still young! Let's go have fun" Soonyoung called, dragging Jihoon with him.

As expected, the group decided to split into pairs while Chan hanging around Wonwoo and Mingyu, afraid that the two might get into a fight.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Seungcheol asked the blonde, excited and nervous as Jeonghan's face sparkled as a response to Seungcheol's question.

Presently, he couldn't decide whether accepting Jeonghan's invite was a good idea or a bad one. Though right now isn't the time for him to decide when he's about to fall in lightning speed from 40 meters above ground.

The ride started to move up, slowly rising off the ground as the people with him started to scream in fear and anticipation. Seungcheol closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening it, his sweat starting to cool down, as it dripped from his skin. He looked around him, observing the people who are riding with him. As expected, some had face blank from any expression, some had obvious fright within their faces, others screaming as the ride continues to go up, while some were smiling to their heart's content. To his surprise, Jeonghan was the same. The blonde beside was smiling from ear to ear, cheering in joy as he took a deep breath.

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