Chapter 4

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As joy filled Jeonghan knowing who his partner was. It was the entire opposite for the latter. "Bro! Jihoonie is my partner!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he jumped around the classroom with excitement. He loves him dearly and he thought of this as one of his opportunities to court Jihoon. It may seem like he has no chance on him but Soonyoung isn't someone who gives up that easily. After all, he's been following this boy since elementary.

"Wonwoo, guess your partner" Jun spoke, teasing his quiet friend. "Just say it" Wonwoo glared. "It's Mingyu, your crush!" Jun replied with excitement. "Hush! Someone might hear you" Wonwoo rushed towards the loudmouth, pushing his finger to shut Jun's mouth. "What's there to be afraid of, Wonwoo? You're attraction towards that tall guy is already obvious" Soonyoung laughed with Chan and Vernon. "Whatever" Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he went back to his seat.

"So snobby but deep inside he is really excited about this" Soonyoung whispered to the others and laughed. "Okay, Vernon and Chan. You two are teamed with Seungkwan. Since I think Chan is an extra student with no partner, the professor made a three member group" Jun informed.

"Chan why do always have to be a third wheel to everything?" Vernon gave Chan a disappointed look. He expected an alone time with the beautiful Boo Seungkwan but he guess that Chan needed to become a third wheel. "And you think I'm gonna enjoy working with the two of you knowing you're gonna take this opportunity to woo him?" Chan scoffed. He really isn't interested in dating anyone yet. He's not really sure of his own preferences. He supports his hyung on who they decide to love but he really hates it when he becomes the extra in the group.

"Oh come on, Chan. I am not gonna leave you out once we work on the project but please help me with Seungkwan" Vernon hugged the younger boy, pleading with him. "Sure, sure whatever. I don't really have a choice" Chan rolled his eyes and smiled as he pushed the other away from him. "Of course, me is partnered with the magnificent Minghao" Jun said, proudly.

"You'll finally have a chance to talk to him" Soonyoung spoke. "Seeing as you're his partner, he'd probably get so annoyed of you and might want to switch partners" Wonwoo laughed and the others followed. "Oh, you don't know what you are talking about" Jun replied with confidence and a smirk on his face.

There are things he knows that no one is that much aware of. Like how he really is dating Xu Minghao. The others just scoffed at him, thinking how ridiculous he is. "And now Seungcheol" Jun added.

The boy was spooked as he heard Jun call out his name. He knew he's partnered with a different student who's out of his circle. After all, everybody is already paired with each other. Though he hope he could just switch partners with someone.

"Wow, you are really lucky" Jun grinned. Frustrated with curiosity, the rest of the group approached Jun to find out who is Seungcheol partnered with. Shocked to see the name listed, all of them gasped and covered their mouths. "Oh, he really is" Soonyoung exclaimed.

"Give me the list" Seungcheol snatched Jun's phone out of frustration. As if the world stopped, Seungcheol fell sitting down out of shock. "Oh no" He spoke. He ran both of his hand through his hair as he continues to say oh no, walking back and forth.

"Why are you panicking?" Wonwoo asked and Seungcheol gave him a look of disbelief. "Yeah, I mean it's just Jeonghan. What could go wrong?" Vernon asked and everyone agreed.

"It's like you guys don't even know who you're talking to" Seungcheol spoke with sadness visible in his tone. "I mean, hyung, jokes aside. We know you're very obsessed with him and everything but don't you think this is a good chance to get to know him or make a move?" Soonyoung asked as he put a shoulder around his hyung.

"Make a move? He's probably straight, I mean he just broke up with his girlfriend and that girl is the prettiest to exist in this school" Seungcheol replied in frustration. He never really expected something like this to happen, after all, he only looked and loved from afar.

"Then take this as a chance to be friends with him. Hyung, it would be great if you could be at least become friends with someone else, may it be Jeonghan or anyone" Wonwoo suggested. "Plus, it's time for you to get out of your comfort zone. It would be nice for you too" He added. Of course he is not implying that soon he and the others are going to leave Seungcheol but he wants Seungcheol to have the time for himself. Also, it would be nice if Seungcheol would become more open at least he can rely on others not just them.

"Alright. I suppose it won't be that bad" Seungcheol calmed down and replied. His friends cheered on him as they saw him calm and agreeing with them. This will be the first time Seungcheol will interact with other people.

And as much as Seungcheol is happy to see his friends proud and how happy he is to finally come out of his shadow, he was nervous. He was really nervous and scared. Jeonghan isn't just a classmate or a person he has to work with. Jeonghan is famous, an elite and the one he loves. It's not going to be easy for him. But he is excited, bursting with joy that he finally has a reason to interact and talk and spend time with him. With Jeonghan, the guy he loves most.


The update took too has started and i went through a break up last july... so i havent been feeling inspired or well to write but here i am...ill try to update sooner the next time💕💕💕

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