Phase Two: Mrs. Hazel Levesque

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Now your probably thinking,"you have the keys now, why aren't you escaping yet?" Well, being a daughter of Athena you learn that patience has it's virtues. You have to wait for the right time to take action.

The sky was covered in a blanket of darkness and the only light that came through was the moon's. The clock was just about to strike twelve, the crews bedtime.

I waited for what seemed like the longest five minutes to pass by. I slowed my breathing and calmed my nerves. All negative thoughts went through my head. "What if I get caught and get stuck with that demon the rest of my life, while he threatens my parents? Will I ever be able to see them again? What if he already knows my plan and this is all another trap?"

My train of thought was broken by the sound of the clock striking twelve. "This is it. It's now or never." I said to myself as I slowly unlocked the cell door, praying it wouldn't make a sound.

The door slightly creaked open and my anxiety started to rise, but I quickly pushed it down. I step out then made my way to the stairs. One soft step after another and I was on the second floor. I quickly hid behind a wall. Apparently, not all the guards slept at this time. There was two soldiers I recognized. The.The goth looking boy and the Asian dude. There was also a girl there guarding. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She also had a crew uniform. I watched as she talked to her fellow peers and then went into the hallway. Now was my chance.

I slid behind the wall and followed her. When I was for sure we were alone, I attacked her from behind. She yelped and tried to take out her knife, but I beat her to it. She was no match for Annabeth Chase. Seconds later, I hit the butt of the sword to her head and she collapsed on the floor.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and exchanged our clothes. Now I was Mrs. Hazel Levesque, or at least that's what the name tag said.

Phase two was complete.

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