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I woke up in the morning to a loud sound. Not the sound of the ship's alarm, but the sound of sweet angelic music. Confused, I got up out of bed and went to the door. I tried turning the knob, but it didn't move. Remembering that he locked the entrance, I searched my hair for a bobby pin. When I finally found one, I quietly pinned the lock and opened the door. The music got louder.

The closer I got to the source the more familiar the sound became. It sounded a lot like wedding bells and wedding music. I kept getting more near and near the melody until I reached the deck of the ship. I saw many white flowers, bridesmaids, and groomsmen.

"Who's wedding is it?" I thought to myself. "If it's that guards and his girlfriend's wedding, then I'll won't let it happen. He can't just flirt with me and marry someone else. He's unfaithful towards her, and as a girl I won't let another women suffer."

I searched the premises hoping to find them, but when I did, they weren't dressed for a wedding. They were wearing the same worn out dirty clothes as yesterday. My mind started to rush. "If it's not their wedding then who else could it be? They were the only couple on this ship except for _ Hazel and Frank."

I tried to clear my mind of it's negative thought. "Don't be stupid Annabeth, he hasn't even proposed to you. But_ what if he proposed to the real Hazel before I killed her."

I was filled with dread, but quickly relieved when I saw Frank also not wearing a groom's outfit.

I was starting to get frustrated. Who's wedding could it be?

I decided to ask a bridesmaid. "Excuse me? Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me who's wedding this is?"

Before she could answer I felt someone grab my arm from behind and pull me to face him. I saw Percy, in a groom's outfit, ripping my hat off and mouthing the words "yours, miss Annabeth Chase"

My eyes widened.

(OOOOOHHHH I wonder how he found out, you'll just have to wait for the next chapter) (Don't you just love cliff hangers?) ( :

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