Pulling me Closer

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          "Open your eyes Annabeth" I heard someone whisper. I did as I was told. I looked up to find that the voice was Percy, still holding me in the same position.  Sobs escaped my mouth as I clung to him. I couldn't help it. I never realized how much I feared water. My body was shaking in fear. My sobs grew louder. Percy held me tighter as he stroked me, trying to calm me down. I didn't know how I survived. I was sure that I was going to die. There was no possible way that I could have lived, but I did and now all of the sudden the emotions came down on me just like that wave. My sobs were coming faster now. No matter what I tried to do to stop it, they just kept coming.

"Ssshh" he whispered. I felt his lips press to my forehead. His thumb wiped the tears under my eyes, but more tears still leaked out.  "Annabeth relax, I'm here. Nothings going to happen to you" Unfortunately I couldn't relax, no matter how much I tried, my body kept shaking with fear. He rubbed hard circles on my back, but it did little to calm me down. I could still feel death creeping up on me. His hand grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath. I stood there, shocked. A tingling feeling course through me. I stopped shaking and crying. 

He pulled away. "Relax" 

I felt his forehead rest on mine. I stared into his green eyes. It wasn't until then that I realized how beautiful and exotic they were. His arms tightened around me. "Mine" He whispered. 

I didn't know why, but I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt safe in his arms. I felt safe in my green-eyed demons arm, my husband's arms. The tension left me and I leaned into him. I didn't know if it was my imagination, but I could of sworn I heard him say sorry.


As the week passed by I became more scared and confused. Percy kept getting more and more closer to me. I wish he wouldn't. Every time he was next to me, a blush seemed to form on my cheeks. He always noticed and he always took advantage of it. Someone times he would grab me or kiss me. Other times he would just stare at me. By habit I kept pushing him away each time he tried something, but that only made him pull me closer.

Today was no different. As I walked out of the kitchen, I felt someone peck me. I knew it was him. I balled my hands into fists trying to hide the tingle feeling that came. A smile formed on his lips, "Angry Annabeth?" His eyes held a dangerous glint. I desperately wanted to punch the smirk right off his face, but instead I did the mature thing and walked away. 

Just as I was about to reach the door, the ship shook in the tiniest manner. I screamed and ran towards him. My arms wrapped around his chest as I squeezed my eye shut, preparing for the worst. "Not again" I thought.  I was planning on hearing screams all over the ship, but instead I heard laughter. I looked up and saw him laughing. I stared at him confused then realized how stupid I looked. Here I was grabbing him like it was life or death over the tiniest movement in the ship. I pushed away from him and crossed my arms. 

"It's not that funny" I grumbled. He didn't stop laughing. My teeth clenched "For your information, I was only pretending to be scared just to trick you." The laughing stopped. He stared at me, a mischievous smile slithering across his lips again.

 "Oh really?" 

"Really" His smile grew more. The ship shook again, this time harder. I screamed and clutched on to him for the second time today. He held me back, laughing once more. I became a little scared and confused. It was as if he was controlling the water. I pushed the thought away. I wasn't thinking straight.

"Scared Annabeth?"  I nodded, hugging him tighter.


We were now days away from land. I felt so excited to feel the steady ground. To see other civilians around me. In a open space. To celebrate I decided to wear my favorite dress on this ship. It was blue with a sweetheart neckline and it had small diamonds scattered all over it.  I walked outside and felt many eyes gaze upon me. I smiled at how beautiful I felt. All my life, I was always known for being wise, courageous, and kind-hearted, but never beautiful. As much as I tried to stop it from bothering me, it always left some pain. But today was different. This time people were in awe of beauty. I tucked my hair behind my ear suddenly feeling a little shy, when out of nowhere Percy grabbed my arm and drag me somewhere private. His eyes were angry. His mouth formed a grim line. I didn't understand. What happened? He looked down at me and with a malicious voice said "What are you wearing?" 

"A dress" I replied unaware of why he was so angry. "A dress" he agreed. 

"Do you realize how much skin that dress shows?" I narrowed my eyes at him. " I can show as much skin as I wan-"

"How many guys it attracted" He went on ignoring me.  "How many stares you received." His voice got angered and angrier with each word. 

"Yeah so?" I was getting angry too. This guy was so sexist. 

"Go change"


"Annabeth!" He grabbed my forearm and pulled me into the bedroom. "Enough of your stubborn attitude. Go change" I didn't I just stood there with my arms crossed.

"You not leaving this room until you do"

"Fine. It's already night and I'm tired so I think I'll just sleep" I tried to sound nonchalant, but I didn't think I was pulling it off.

"That's good. Go change into your night suit"

"Nah, I think I'll just sleep in this." Even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep in this dress, I didn't change. I didn't want him to win.

Unless you want to sleep on the hard wooden floor, I again suggest you change.

"As a matter of fact, I do feel like sleeping on someone hard," I lied. "It remind me of my childhood."

I sat on the cold wooden floor wondering what I got myself into. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms. My eyes widen.

"Let go"


"Why not?" I screamed.

"I feel pretty comfortable"

"I don't freakin care. I'm not sleeping like this." 

"Then go change and go sleep on the bed"

"No" I wish I never said that because pulled me closer in a solid grip. No matter how much I struggled, it did no good. He was making it so hard to win. Why couldn't he just leave me be? 

"This is your final offer. Are you going to change?"

"I said no." I was determined to win this time. 

He glared at me, but then started to close his eye. 

"Stubborn" he whispered before falling asleep with me in his arms.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter. Make sure to comment and like it. It encourages me to update. By the way, please check out my new fanfic coming soon.

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